So the zombies in the remake of Dawn Of The Dead arenow really fast!!!! This has been on my mind for the past year or whatever, ive been trying to rethink my zombie contingency plan (we all have one right?) but i figure im basically screwed - curse you hollywood, CURSE YOU
Mybe it's in the way they walk u know. sort of starght leged so they take longer strides. If we all never bend our legs think how much quicker we would get around.
hmm interesting, take out the legs remove the threat, all along they tell us to go for the head but the truth is in the legs...
I've never understood why being dead (zombiefied dead) makes yer knees stop working......same with elbows.....mebbe some research should be done
You are now officially inna Cool Club....check yer jacket at the kiosk...pull up a chair....wonder where ya life went
Was gonna watch the remake a couple of weeks back but then my flatemate said the zombies walked fast so we rented the old video instead and watched that yet again... who needs a remake when the original is perfect!