Why Are So Many People So Less Giving With Sex?

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by gingeroot, Nov 19, 2016.

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  1. gingeroot

    gingeroot Members

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    Seriously, why are people so greedy when it comes to sex? Sex doesn't cost you anything to have, it's more fun than other work people might ask you to do, and can really make a difference in a person's well being.

    I knew most people weren't as open as the way I was brought up, but I didn't think it was this bad. People say they are open minded, even say they are attracted to you and they don't want to have sex. I don't get it.Is it because TV tells you it is always supposed to be amazing and with someone you are deeply attracted to? That's dumb. I've only been been deeply sexually attracted to maybe 1/4 of the women I've had sex with, and not particularly attracted to 1/2. And I'm not attracted to any of the boys I've had sex with. I don't really like gay sex at all. But when I give my best friend a blowjob I know it makes him happy, so I'll do it.

    Sex is another tool we have as people. Don't you realize how much of a difference it makes in not just the person you have sex with, but your whole community's improvement? I was raised that it was important to have sex with those around you as it is to make sure they are fed, clothed, warm, and loved. Sure it's not always awesome but it an important function. And spending more time out in the greater world has made me realize this all the more. It's kinda crazy.

    Not too long ago I met a woman who was very obviously lonely. She was older, maybe late 30's, and yeah we had sex. But afterwards she became cold and didn't want to see me anymore. Even though she said she loved the sex and I could tell she needed to be sexed and have a friendly companion. That makes no sense.

    Can someone please explain this to me?
  2. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Std and having a baby to take care of are just two reasons. And that's for the billion people who are not religious
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  3. gingeroot

    gingeroot Members

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    Both are things that can be avoided if you take precautions.
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  4. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    That wasn't the subject.
  5. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    how do you even have sex with someone you're not attracted to? viagra?
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  6. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I agree with what penguinsfan13 said about STDs and babies. I don't think it's because people are closed minded, but rather cautious.
  7. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Soul... I was saving the obvious..."but you can wear condoms" excuse until he actually asked it.

    I can't speak for anyone else but you can mark me down for "i would rather masturebate than have sex with a condom."
    It just dosnt feel as good and I have had sex enough times that I no longer feel the need to have it just to say I did it or to feel macho around my friends.
  8. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    I'd rather chance an STD than my immortal soul.
  9. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Yeah thats all i got out of that too
  10. gingeroot

    gingeroot Members

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    Well I am a young virile male, I don't need viagra. Or anything really it will work fine no matter what I do.

    It's not about being super into it. It's about being helpful. If a friend asked you to help them move a big heavy wood stove you'd do it, if they were kinda down and having a bad day you'd help them smile, if they were angry you'd try and help them relax, if they were really hungry you'd make them something to eat. Sex is the same way. My best friend likes to sodomize me sometimes, or have me suck his cock. I don't mind because I know what itr means to him.

    Like years ago was the first time I had sex with this 50 year old, earth mother. I didn't really want to, and I did feel a little guilty because she was a beautiful person. But she was kind and I did make her very happy by doing what she needed. It made me feel good to help and I had sex with her several times after than even though I was never really attracted to her. I mean it wasn't awful, but it wasn't what I would choose. But it also builds a better community and a society in general. So why not do it?

    I still haven't gotten an answer that makes sense.
  11. I know what you're saying. I should just be an orifice for other people's pleasure. How selfish of me to keep my holes for only myself.
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  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    yeah, unless my muscles were unable to contract due to my lack of attraction to said friend.
  13. gingeroot

    gingeroot Members

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    Sure if sex is the only way you define yourself or you feel it is your only value. But you know that isn't true.

    You can give without being just used. Yes, the choice is ultamitly up to you. I mean I don't have gay sex with anyone, just friends in need. I mean I wouldn't have sex with someone I though was a bad person or was repulsed by either, But you shouldn't feel bad for giving yourself to others. What happened to no slut shaming?
  14. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    there lies the difference, i have no problem with what you say you do.
    but you seem to have a problem with what i do.
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  15. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I guess most of us just aren't as altruistic as you are.
  16. gingeroot

    gingeroot Members

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    I think of it as being more polite than altruistic. But once again I was raised with different values.
  17. gingeroot

    gingeroot Members

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    I don't mind what you do or don't do. Actually my point was that there shouldn't be a judgemet made about it either way.
  18. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    just going by the tone of the OP. maybe i would have just agreed if i could actually hear the way you said it.
  19. bob44044

    bob44044 Member

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    How about the freedom to share their body when and with whom they choose. Your very presumptuous to think everyone should share your views.
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  20. mcme

    mcme lurker

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    Maybe I've misunderstood something here, but it seems to me that a judgement is exactly what you're making against people who decide not to sprinkle their sex around like Johnny Appleseed.
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