Why Are People So Fat?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by RainyDayHype, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    This is a serious question and concern. I was people watching today, and I have a question. Why is everyone so fat??? The human body in it's natural form is said to be beautiful, but when you're a glutton, wow, you can really disfigure your body!
    I saw so many butt cracks and bellies hanging over pants. I saw a man that looked pregnant with triplets and a woman who struggled to get into her SUV and then cut me off to get into the fast food drive thru line. I am not intentionally trying to judge people, but damn... it's come to the point where I'm generally concerned for the health of the people of the world..
    This is disgusting, shocking, and I literally become sick when I see someone waddling and stuggling to breath while getting to the grocery store door when they just got the closest parking spot possible because they waited 20 minutes for it and didn't want to part a couple of feet away (hey, you could really use the exercise).
    I think some people are going to reply and say many of these people have health problems, but they probably have health problems that were caused by their weight... Stop giving them excuses to use to continue gaining weight and becoming obese... Bodies are not supposed to be shaped in that way. This is an epidemic..
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  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    they take in way more calories than they need for the level of physical activity. fast food doesn't help, when humans were hunter/gatherers they would have to expend lots of energy to obtain food, it wasnt guaranteed either so in times of excess the body could store fat for times where food was sparse.
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  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    It is pretty disgusting, but I have a hard time blaming obese people themselves since society is inundated with shit food that is basically designed to kill them. Most obese people have ruined metabolisms from years of sugar overconsumption. The average person doesn't have a clue about what healthy eating is, and their doctors are certainly not going to tell them the proper way to eat.
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  4. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes, I get that society provides mostly junk food and that people take in way too many calories......BUT don't these people look in the mirror and say wtf, something needs to be done about this.... how can someone just let themselves go like that? and go with the flow of something that is totally wrong..... are they really that stupid that they don't research alternate things to eat, things with less calories... like, cook some beans and rice......
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  5. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    I think people are just simply lazy.
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  6. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    It is a Western disease, though I think other parts of the world are catching up.

    I would say it's a lack of education about nutritious food, along with the availability of junk food,
    and saturated advertising in the media.

    In the UK our government keeps resisting measures to help, such as a traffic light warning system
    of labelling food, i.e. salt, sugar and fat content.

    I think it must take government action to reign back the huge junk food corporations' influence
    on the population, though I imagine in the States that would be even harder to achieve
    than over here.
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  7. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Some people try to lose weight, and because they don't really know how to lose weight they become discouraged and go back to their old ways. For some people it isn't quite as easy as eating less and exercising more. There are people who think they're doing the right things, yet they still remain obese. Some people have serious metabolic issues they need to address before they can even think about losing weight. Yeah, it ultimately does boil down to calories, but it's in the totality of what you eat that determines how those calories get used (or IF they get used). A person who is extremely obese might be well-advised to avoid starchy foods like rice and beans until they get their blood sugar and insulin under control. People look at everything regarding diet in terms of calories, when it's actually more complex than that.
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  8. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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  9. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Not so bad if you are not fat, less competition, especially as you get older
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  10. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    I'd like to weigh in on this :D...

    Up above - that cheeseburger would be $1.49 (not .99) lol...but the salad would still be at least $5.

    As far as the other "learned" comments/posts...it has been left out how soooo many people are literally raising their children to be obese...feeding them ANYTHING they want, especially large deserts (sometimes 2 deserts if the spoiled kid wants more waaa waaa :bigcry: ).

    Another thing - being overweight and obese and then morbidly obese is not even discouraged by society like it once was. I know "some people" view this as a conspiracy. I view it as Rainy does - people are lazy, and the easiest way is to just eat like a pig, exercise NONE (or next to none) and FGS, stay on that computer, ipad, phone and whathaveyou!!!... rather than Go. Outside. And. Walk. There are clothing lines that cater to the "big woman" and "big and tall men", which are mostly big (not necessarily tall) men...my tall son has told me. lol

    Just simply doing a little something - like taking those extra 10 feet of steps to the entrance of the grocery store - would make more difference than most people are willing to do. I know this one morbidly obese woman (although she says she " is some overweight, I know" - :rolleyes:) and she would/does go to extremes that you wouldn't believe just to avoid doing anything...for instance, if someone is visiting, rather than sit Way Up and reach, she will call someone over to hand her lazy ass the remote, phone or whatever.

    I won't even go to the grocery store with her anymore because as she wheels around in her motorized cart, picking out the fattiest, worst things she could possibly eat, she is whining The Whole Time about "how much food is". Well, if you didn't eat enough for 3 people, it wouldn't be so bad, I think.

    The thing about people needing to adjust the types of food they eat and whatever...when a truly obese person starts pushing AWAY FROM THE TABLE, they begin losing weight. I've even seen it with this person I know. I've seen it with others too!!! When she had knee surgery, she lost weight simply because she couldn't graze ALL DAY but ate the meals she was given. She claimed they "worried", which I highly doubt. They were probably shocked how she was able to lose weight while basically bed-ridden (with a little PT) but being fed 3 times a day.

    Yes, an obese person that actually does begin pushing away from the table will (most probably) reach a plateau and have to change things up...eat better, exercise more, etc etc...but that first step needs to be made, and that is NOT to eat like a pig/glutton every day! Educating oneself on the best foods, those to avoid, etc etc are good...but again, that 1st step is to quit eating oneself basically into a stupor.

    Working where I do, I am fairly sickened by some families and their eating...I find that individuals gorging don't bother me nearly as much as entire families eating so much you'd think they were eating their last meal at Mickey D's. gad
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  11. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    my doctor advises me on what to eat...she sent me to a dietician to become more knowledgeable and will discuss or explain any questions regarding food

    I am guessing any family doctor will do the same in Canada or most any other civilized society....probably even the uncivilized ones too
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the automobile. and powered everything and instant everything. and if obesity shortens life, this is not entirely a bad thing, when there are, as there are, too damd many humans on planet earth already.
  13. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    They eat too much and don't move enough.
  14. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    the whole "salads are more expensive than fast food" thing is a myth because people dont know how to cook or prepare healthy meals. It may be $5 to buy a gross iceberg lettuce salad from mcdonalds but you can buy enough mixed greens to make a salad a day for a week for under $5.

    there have been weeks where my food budget was $20 and I ate rice and veggies all week. Eating healthy on a budget is possible, but people are really ignorant on both nutrition and cooking. Plus people simply dont want to carve out the time to prepare nutritious meals.
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  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    people bitch about other people's obesity, yet refuse to support public transportation, nor even imagine a transportation policy not dominated by personal vehicles and forcing everyone into indenturing themselves to them.
    this is illogical.
  16. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    One thing I've noticed over years is that as tobacco smoking has decreased, obesity has increased.

    Not that I'm advocating smoking tobacco, but combined with shitty diet and lack of exercise I think it has had some effect on the growing epidemic.

    One woman I know who used to smoke and gave it up about a decade ago when she was quite trim has now become grossly overweight. Most smokers put on weight after quitting.

    So maybe its a trade off - tobacco could kill you, so could being obese.
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  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    both WILL shorten life. one of my housemate tells me though, that the days they shorten your life by, are days you wouldn't have enjoyed anyway.
    not saying i buy that, but its one of those cute little sayings anyway.
    its when people who have smoked, and quit or are trying to, that they often turn to compulsive eating instead, sometimes not entirely aware of doing so.
  18. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    MacDonald's has 30 thousand restaurants
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  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    this may be as much a symptom, but it does hint at the cultural roots of the problem, if it even is one. but it does hint at ideo-cultural roots of several real problems.
  20. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Mcdonalds is part of the same suburban problem themnax touched on when mentioning lack of public transportation. Drive thrus and the suburban sprawl model where cars are a necessity are all part of the problem.

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