I'm a 22 year old guy and I never wore sandals or flip flops in my life because I'm embarrassed of my feet and too shy. I know in many countries its the norm and no one cares. I feel like I have bent ugly toes, one is thinner than the other etc. I never take off my socks at home only to shower. I wear socks to bed even in the summer. When i was a kid I always used to be barefoot until the age of 12 I think... I don't want anyone to see my feet but I think this is such a stupid fear and I wish I could do something about the way they look. I don't know how a girl would react in a relationship. I read they hate it when men wear socks during sex. These are my feet: https://i.imgur.com/TtLQx3i.jpg
Those peds ain't so bad. Some people have toes that are seriously bent, especially the big toe bent in. It looks to me like your toes have a natural spread. You may find that as you walk more and more barefoot, the toes will naturally align themselves.
I think you are needlessly concerned. Your feet look pretty good actually (not in a homosexual way for me!).
the right one has to go but the left one is tolerable....I suggest one sandal and one running shoe.... ya got nuthin'?
It's not the shape of your feet. It's the fact that you've never let hair grow on them and then suddenly you've got those hairy legs. Your feet don't even look like they belong to those legs. It's a problem.
For that comment above the 'suddenly' part is the lack of a tan from having them covered up all the time. You can always tell the tourists from up north that way. Tan legs white feet. For the OP don't listen to that nonsense. Its all in your head. Just a random picture google images , but who has perfect feet ? Anyway Going bare foot fixes crooked toes somewhat, I should have took before after pictures. Check this The Barefoot Professor My feet definitely changed and look better.
He is fishing for compliments, give him a compliment. Apparently people caring about each others feet is a thing
Well he SHOULDN'T wear flip flops Mostly because men look stupid in flip flops. A good looking man wearing flip flops is instantly unattractive to me. Sometimes it's a helpful decider when I'm not sure if I'm attracted to someone.
Sorry for getting back to you guys so late. Most of you said some nice comments and it seems like it's an issue with my brain and not with my feet. Although I'm not sure this'll change anything especially not overnight. Maybe I need to grow up more. I'm not fishing for compliments what compliments? I genuinely only wear socks. I don't want my family to see my feet, I think they'd comment on it as well because they always see me in socks. I only have closed toe shoes. I feel like both men and women tends to be sexist towards male feet from what I read online. They think it's dirty, yellow nails, hairy, rough skin etc. My feet does have hair on it but it's not visible in the photo I was taking a shower and they were wet and also I don't have as much hair as some people maybe because I wear socks all the time. I don't have body hair and I can't grow a beard, I also always shave my pubes and pits. I never liked that there's a gap between my toes and one is leaning on the other and looks to be bending inwards and it has changed the shape of the nail. Sometimes I wish I lived alone or didn't know my family and I could experiment.
You seem way overly focused on your feet for some reason Given the username you have chosen to post here, I dont think your feet are the actual problem
Body dysmorphic disorder is the name they use for when you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that, to others, is either minor or not observable. "Being so preoccupied with appearance that it causes major distress or problems in your social life, work, school or other areas of functioning" Not saying you "have" anything these are just descriptions of behaviors they use to describe things. I say just start going barefoot home alone at first to start getting used to it. The more you go barefoot the less you feel barefoot to the point you don't notice it anymore then you notice your bare handed. I did not know this till I experienced it.