so awhile ago this female friend of mine told me to start watching grey's anatomy i did and after watching for a while i got ahead of her. a certain character in the show just died and we were talking about the show, i told her about the death but i didnt say who because i wanted to avoid spoilers buf she told me to tell her who died, i did and than she got super pissed called me a **** and told me to burn myself. what was i supposed to do? if i didnt tell her she would have gotten pissed, i did tell her and she got pissed! what was i suppose to do? why are girls so fucking insane
I don't understand why people, both men and women get so upset by spoilers. I actually enjoy them. I have 'watched' a lot of shows and movies just by googling it, and reading the spoilers. So, I didn't have to actually watch anything, but I still got the experience. Ain't no one got time to watch a ten season show. As for this situation of someone begging you to tell them something that you know might upset them, I make sure to acknowledge it as a 'freebie'. You can say whatever you want and the other person is not allowed to react badly at that very moment, or later on. People follow rules. Rules are quite effective to humans. So, make it as a rule next time.
I dont know that in this particular instance, its a female thing so much as a Greys Anatomy fan thing. That fandom particularly is way too invested, overall, in my opinion. I dont get the hype myself, ER was way better. Anyway! In general, outbursts like this usually are some kind of test to see if you'll hold out on sharing the information as a way to guage how easily or not they can manipulate (that sounds harsh but i cant think of a better wording, and i am a female so i can dog on them) what they want out of you. Its a very thin line to walk, and whether to give in or not depends greatly on the female and circumstance at hand. For the record; most chicks dont even consciously know theyre doing this, or that it serves that purpose. I say, tell her to smoke a doobie and catch the hell up on her show then she won't have to worry about it.
Some people are fucking mental about shows that they dig. tbh, If someone behaves that way, often trying to reason with them is almost enabling behaviour. I'd try and just casually explain that their behaviour isn't acceptable and then leave. If they find you later and apologise or explain what the fuck just happened, then that's all to the good. If not then they're either incapable of reflecting on their behavior or they genuinely think that a minor spoiler in a TV show is worth losing a friend over. Either way, you've got a good result.
You know what show I really want someone to spoil for me? Game of Thrones. I want to know what happened, without watching all that rape and murder, like seriously ain't no one wanna see that shit on every episode. It's mentally challenging! But, I really want to know who wins, and what happens to the dragons. It broke my heart when.... HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA! And that little chick, whatever her name is... I want to know what happens to her. She is like the most badass character on that filthy show. Mainly becuase she is like what? 2... and she hasn't gotten hurt and/or murdered. That's freaky amazing.
I gotchu, hun. PM me all your questions about the plotlines n ill answer them as best i can with the fact that we have two seasons left chronologically.
culture expects them to be and they're human, which means already batshit crazy anyway. why would anything with a pinis think it was gods gift to anything either? when people are young and horny and its spring, people do crazy shit to attract a potential mate. its not even a human thing, so why be surprised about it. the only thing bad about it, is the ego gets bused too. and a certain percentage of people die. which happens when humans are batshit crazy enough to hate logic. people should lock up their dangerous toys where no one can get to them when the mating frenzy is going to come upon them. guns, cars, swords, hide them from yourself until the season of madness has again passed. then bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the spectacle.
You didn't get the memo, dude: When a man is a twat, that man is a twat. When a girl is a twat, all girls are twats.
All women are crazy and all men are stupid, and all women are crazy because men are stupid - George Carlin Paraphrased slightly because i didnt feel like looking up the exact quote
what do you mean someone on greys anatomy died?..........thanks a fuckin lot dipdhit motherfucker pos ....thanks a fucking lot
This is what I refer to as the Teddy Bear Dilemma. At a certain point, males will realize that it's better to talk to a human being than a teddy bear. Girls never realize this. They'll carry on full conversations with a teddy bear, and they do when we're not looking. They literally cannot see the difference between a man and a stuffed toy. We all look perfectly adorable to them. And if you piss a girl off, it's because you're not relaying to her what her teddy bear would say to her, which is whatever she wants to hear. So like, if you get into a fix where you don't know how to answer a girl's question, just keep repeating "I wuv you," which is what you should have done instead of answering her question.
gee, i'll bet it wasn't a grey. i've never watched it since i found out it wasn't about greys. well i really haven't watched the idiot box at all for several years. but it has been around that long, so when i discovered it had something, very little even about that from what i could see, some medical textbook about HUMAN anatomy, and nothing at all to do with the anatomy of extra terrestricals, i thought, what the hell is this crap, and then i tried to figgure it out and still couldn't see what the hell it was supposed to be about, at all, either. its just a bunch of humans acting like usual human idiots, for no particular nor visible reason at all.