Out of our members on HF, who's accent or voice would you like to hear most? For me I think it's my Southern girls, Aeri and I also think Karen J would be a must listen to. I have my own impressions of what they probably sound like but I do know I'm probably way off. My voice is soft without many hints of an accent at all. Unless I'm louder and scoffing at something I'm talking about my Deutsch accent really doesn't come through like the typical stereotype of the German language. I've been told my English accent is like a hybrid of Australian and a European who's lived in Europe but never spoken their native tongue. I can only assume this is the case because I'm quite soft when speaking.
Alright now Irmi! I'm one of your Southern girls too!!! I don't think I have an accent; but, I've been reassured I do. lol
Oh yes, definitely you too. Just all the women actually. >.> I was meant to dig around my old computer for some songs I'd recorded for another member but I've completely failed to accomplish this so far. I have almost a whole new life at the moment hehe. But when I get around to it, you'll know exact what I mean when I say it's a soft accent.
I have an extremely strong southern accent...extremely. I'd love to talk to tiger, asmo, mollyboppa. I wonder of those from other countries can tell a difference in American accents?
Yes clearly! I love english and american accents I think everybody in countries like the Netherlands can tell those differences because we all watch american and english movies and tv shows. It is often said that dutch people speaking english are noticed because the lack of any accent. Like they don't have a dutch accent with it but the lack of any accent at all makes it clear it is not a native english speaker But if we don't speak it a lot, or don't think about the exact way of pronouncing things, we can pronounce the u and o a bit differently (among other small detalis probably), which betrays us Also we dutch people think native english speakers use the a and e wrong. Like you all say Emsterdem. But you don't say Emmericeh. It's Amsterdam people, like the a in America!
there is no getting around the stereotype of germans sounding pissed off when they talk....also many Hispanic dialects sound pissed off.... i'm more interested in who is a high talker....who is a close talker.....who is a low talker etc Karen j and Audrey endotherm and every other lady on here are all on the list https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXlp0EVmxik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipeh0WFAnhc
I love Seinfeld. There was also an episode where he was dating this gal with a strong country accent....I sound like her, or so I've been told.
I don't know anyone on here yet, so I couldn't really tell you. I'm a sucker for British accents though, and I love hearing southern girls talk also
I too like southern accents, and I'd love to hear the way some of you ladies speak down there - and yes, we Brits (or me anyway) can tell between American regional accents. I quite like NYC accents too. AceK? I used to have an Indian friend on here, GD Kumar, who had a really nice Bengali accent. In fact the only HF member I've ever heard actually speak. I'd also like to hear Asmo's voice.
I'm southern but I dont really have an accent unless I'm getting drunk around a bunch of rednecks lol. One of our patients at work called once, it was an old lady with a thick southern accent and she got pissed and said she wanted to speak with someone else because I sounded like a Yankee haha. I would like to hear our European members for sure..irmi, asmo, piaf. Blackbill, are you English? Do we have any Scottish members? I love the Scottish accent.
I want to hear you now too. I was watching movie called Shooter tonight and there was a chick from Kentucky I think it was. -melts-
Went to college with a guy from Tennessee and when he would call home="damn. I can't even understand those people any more!". I'd love to hear English, Scottish, Russians speaking English. Australian is a favorite too. AS far as original language, I like to hear Portuguese spoken.
Too bad phone calls are so expensive. It might be fun to call one another up occasionally to hear the accents,etc.
nobody. i already have idealized versions of everyone's voices in my head, and i'm most likely going to be disappointed if i ever hear the truth. that mostly goes for the women. for the guys, i probably won't be disappointed, but i will be annoyed if anyone has an accent that makes me work to understand what they're saying.