who's going to a Free Marc Emery Protest?

Discussion in 'Cannabis Activism' started by mellow, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. mellow

    mellow Eased

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    i may go to the one in calgary
    anyone else?
  2. WhisperingWoods

    WhisperingWoods too far gone

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    I haven't heard of one on the US or anywhere near me, so I guess not. :(

    Could help start one though!

    US gov's idea of freedom is bullshit
  3. earthfluff

    earthfluff Member

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    Protests are being organized for September 10th (or close to) in various cities around Canada and the US. Check out "Cannabis Culture" homepage for newly announced protests in your area. We've all got to stand up against the absurdities of the US War on Drugs and the involvement of the DEA in Canada as it pertains to Canada's liberalization of marijuana laws. If you can't make it to a protest, please contact Irwin Cotler, Canada's Justice Minister to let your opinion be heard and to say "NO" to the extradition of Marc Emery:

    Irwin Cotler
    Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
    284 Wellington St.
    Ottawa, ON
    K1A 0H8
  4. Imagine17

    Imagine17 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    There is one in Detroit if you live close...

    I am going to the one in New York City.
  5. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    There's none in Florida :(
  6. ConcealedCulture

    ConcealedCulture Senior Member

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    ^ Yeah why are there none in Florida?

    What do you people think will happen to Marc? It would be a tragedy if he were extradited. And Renee Boje, my god. I feel so bad for these good hearted people.
  7. earthfluff

    earthfluff Member

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    i'm hoping that all the people involved will come out without having to do jail time but if they're not so lucky, i'm hoping that people will be able to use this event as a catalyst and a common ground for helping Canada push forward with drug reform laws. I'd feel bad enough to know that Marc and crew would be sitting in jail..but i'd feel worse to know that it had no effect on people that value Canadian soveriegnty. I hope you folks have written Mr. Irwin Cotler...as well as your local MP... as well as your leader of the local opposition party... basically whomever you can that might be able to take your point of view to the top... let us not just 'talk the talk'.
  8. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    haha all that canadian talk confuses me
  9. earthfluff

    earthfluff Member

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    Canadian talk? I guess talking about trying to affect change within the government isn't part of the american vocabulary??? I would hope that you would understand concepts such as 'extradition', 'reform', 'sovereignty'. I've heard from various news sources around the world that Americans are notorious for living in the 'great american bubble'... do us all a favor and please pop it! You don't even need to care about Canada to look into this issue...bonus huh?!

    A quick dictionary lesson:
    MP = Member of Parliament (a representative voted into the government)
    Opposition Party = the party with the next highest number of votes/seats aside from the Majority Party... in America this would be known as THE ONLY OTHER PARTY.
    Irwin Cotler = Minister of Justice (the head honcho when it comes to Justice...please don't make me describe 'Justice'!)
  10. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    Not all American's live in a bubble...though a very very very good majority of us/them do... haha...very sad actually...

    A good 90% of the time, it's not the people's fault...it's just so hard to access reliable news/education sources here...sigh...

    One day I'm getting the fuck out of here :)

    I'll come visit you this summer on my trip to Vancouver earthfluff ;)
  11. earthfluff

    earthfluff Member

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    lol...sounds good man. Yeah, i know, i don't mean to come down hard on Americans... i'm usually one to despise generalizations but it does kinda piss me off when i see the type of news that's on and what the so-called 'experts' are telling the general public... I guess it's kind of human nature to ignore the things that aren't obviously affecting your daily life... but i think EVERYONE that lives a country of wealth and influence needs to become more aware of what their government is doing outside of your own borders...and within! Canadians are pretty bad as well... we let our government sneak millions of tax dollars into the pockets of wealthy business people with connections to politicians without keeping proper tabs on what was going on. For those of you in the bubble...this was called the 'sponsership scandal' and once Canadians found out about it, the funny thing was that we still voted those politicians back into office. Which is pretty funny: we'd rather have lying liberal politicians, than honest conservatives..lol.

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