I make my own 'energy waters' since I don't drink pop and juice is horrible for your teeth. I spilt caffeine everywhere, then licked my lips before realizing I had some on my face. I've never typed so fast in my life. No wonder some people love coke so much. I feel like I'm actually gonna get my to do list done today :2thumbsup: (but first I have to vacuum)
Hello, "energy waters" sounds fucking disgusting. Why don't you just drink some tea like a man? Lovingly yours, Goose.
When I was 16, my best friend and I decided we wanted to stay up all night and participate in shenanigans. He bought a bottle of No-Doz and we each took a few. We both almost died from heart attacks that night. Then when we made it through the night (barely), our parents nearly killed us.
I really wanted to find the scene from Orange County with Jack Black vacuuming on coke in his underwear but Jesse Spano will have to do.
Tea has like no drugs in it, mang. And it's dehydrating. And my apartments a million degrees already without using the stove. My flavored waters are awesome, though. I make Apple, and Root beer, and Peach, and Pear, and Chocolate Hazlenut, and, and, and, and, and :afro:
I was into making carbonated sodas years back, one day a buddy who worked as an encapsulater for a major supplement manufacturer, showed up with 5-6 ounces of Kola-nut extract that had been rejected by QC. ( I found out later it had been rejected because it was too strong for its market destination which was Canada, apparently they regulate quantity of caffeine in supps) Anyway, I decided to make a kola nut energy soda using only the extract, evaporated cane juce and carbonated water. My formula not only turned out delicious but quite strong in caffeine, an 8 oz glass was enough to get fairly buzzed...but when it's hot summer days and you've got a frosty keg of delicious beverage in the fridge... I was corn-fucking-holio for about a week. LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5AyS0W9wj0"]Beavis and Butthead vaya cornholio Speed Up!! - YouTube
Haha, man, I know what that's like. I was camping with some buddies this one time, and we were all tired, but we had planned an active weekend, so we all brought along a whole bunch of things... We wound up with probably a little over a liter of a strange concoction we called blood due to its color and life-giving qualities, haha. It had Coca-cola, some kind of caffeine energy drink, Gatorade, mio, shitloads of cool-aid (the amount we put in wouldn't have been healthy to add to a gallon, but somehow we still got it all to dissolve), 4-C lemonade powder, orange juice, sprite... yeah. A sip would keep you bouncing like so: for three or four hours... We had a blast that weekend