Who wishes to no longer be a slave?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by crankyelbow, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. McLeodGanja

    McLeodGanja Banned

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    There are plenty, but sadly it involves the ruling class giving up much of their ownership. There does need to be some regulation, for example laws enforced to prevent people polluting land, poisoning endangered species, and so on. Ideally it would be nice if we could all just live together and share the resources of the land as equally and as fairly as possible. But that isn't going to happen in the current economic climate where the rich get richer at the expense of the working class.

    I've tried accepting things the way they are and getting on with it, but every job I've had has worn me down in one way or another, with the odd exception. As far as I am concerned they can shove their fucking jobs, I'm better off without one, for the moment anyway.

    If i am to conform to it I want the freedom to live as I choose, I don't want prohibition laws on cannabis, or local councils telling the pub down the road that they have to kick me out at a certain time, or government stealing my hard earned cash and giving me no say in how the budget is run.

    I'm looking for a way out too, but I've yet to find one. So in that respect I do pretty much consider myself to be a slave to system. You know the ones who dictate to me how to live, they call themselves "civil servants".

    It's a fucking joke is what it is.
  2. crankyelbow

    crankyelbow Makes Music

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    Anarchy drives evolution, right on :)

    A limit promotes ignorance... ignorance is the opposite of evolution.

    This is most certainly anarchy, but it is still our collective reality. So long as slaves believe themselves free we are bound within slavery because of the slaves, not the slave masters. The masters are few and their views irrelevant... they are insane and their views obviously such to those who consider the meaning of their own life.

    We must wake up to this... we must simply all become involved with saving the earth, promoting our continued existence, etc etc... for what reason does someone want to pollute? For what reason is toxic waste even created? Would such things have continued in an anarchical system in light of the knowledge that such things are in error of all humanity?

    What better do we have to do than promote our collective continued existence?
  3. crankyelbow

    crankyelbow Makes Music

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    This talk is action.

    The promotion of ideas is what prompts change.

    If you wish to get involved with a movement of some sort, send me a PM and we can organize things.
  4. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm reading somewhere, that he's a Right Winger.
  5. Quoth the Raven

    Quoth the Raven RaveIan

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    I'm involved in enough action already, ta :cool:
  6. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Is Freedom relative, or is it absolute?
  7. McLeodGanja

    McLeodGanja Banned

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    It's subjective.
  8. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    What specific anarchical system would you endorse?
  9. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  10. crankyelbow

    crankyelbow Makes Music

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    Heh, don't even get caught in the "forest preserve" after dark... let alone try to make a living free from these chains...

    This whole country is the plantation... the notion of "escape" is futile

    I'd love to live within my anarchical views... and by and large I DO! I do not submit my actions to authority, by that I do not randomly smash someone's window and other acts of violence - I promote a peaceful existence and smile at others around me. I measure inconvenience and if I can slightly inconvenience myself for someone to avoid a major inconvenience, I do so... if I must force someone a slight inconvenience in order to avoid a major inconvenience... thats what I'll do. It is the base of all my action, and if it were the majority's focus, our lives would be that of only convienence.

    Perhaps we should begin discussions the method of change, rather than the reality of enslavement? :)
  11. crankyelbow

    crankyelbow Makes Music

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    System? No system, thats the point :)

    The "system" must become the knowledge of everyone realizing they are their brothers keeper, at least that is the base... from there action creates repercussions that are positive among all of the world.
  12. McLeodGanja

    McLeodGanja Banned

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    Dude, we need a system.
  13. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Capitalism exists in Anarchy.

    Anarchy is everyone for himself, more or less,
    the very definition of a capitalistic environment.
  14. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    Anarchism is for fagz. Socialism FTW.
  15. Face Eater

    Face Eater Banned

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    I don't necessarily think that it is attainable, but I do believe it is the goal we should be aiming for. The idea that an oppressive system where there is nothing but the rulers and the ruled is inevitable is as naive and far fetched as the idea that real anarchy is ever attainable. I also think that it is an excuse to shrug off human potential, because where there is no human potential, you're free to wallow in shit.

    Really, I don't think anybody know what humans are capable of, but we need to be assured of something, we need to believe in some sort of outcome, so we have a tendency to either resign ourselves to failiure or cling to and preach utopian ideals. Neither side is actually content to experiment and sit and wait for the results...no we have to believe in what is and isn't possible and act accordingly. Its a lot like religion.

    I have changed my mind at least a hundred times in my lifetime about what humans are really capable of and I am kind of over it now. Society is driven by ideas and there is an excuse or justification for almost every action. I don't actually think its a real reflection of human nature as a whole.
  16. zen_arcade

    zen_arcade Banned

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    whatever. maybe you have an interest in the world and the betterment of humanity. I don't really care, I don't think we are a special or lofty species.
  17. Face Eater

    Face Eater Banned

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    Neither do I. I don't really know. I really think that is a "belief" more than anything on which you can rely. By the way, you are a human.
  18. zen_arcade

    zen_arcade Banned

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    sure I'm human.
    eat shrooms.
  19. Face Eater

    Face Eater Banned

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    Bleh, don't give me that shit.

    I am completely familiar with what you're saying and I think it is totally valid. I am also kind of content to not give a shit about what other people do and live my own life. I just don't think anyone should have a sure idea about human nature and the future. I'm not even targeting you specifically, everyone else in this thread seems to think they can predict the future.

    I will eat shrooms.
  20. zen_arcade

    zen_arcade Banned

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    maybe I'm wrong, but I think people crave structure to some extent. I think humans on an individual level are flexible and there is possibility for growth, but I also believe in groupthink and a collective consciousness which anarchy would conflict with.

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