Drew these this morning. Stuff that's been away in boxes for over a year, unpacking and finding things. A pack of tarot cards called Thoth I bought for a quid in a charity shop a few years ago, nice set of cards. Not sure what it all means but swords and wands seem to be the dominant force. I like the centre pack, which is uspposed to be me, seems quite Game of Thrones. So, what the fuck does it all mean? Am I about to reap great fortune, or am I going to die horribly and painfully, lonely and destitute in a pool of blood and shit pondering my life's regrets until I draw my last breath?
Without going into great detail, I believe it means that you must come to terms with the fact that as soon as you started living, you started dying, and that what you call your life process is actually your dying process; like as soon as you started living, you started dying. In other words, you need to come to terms with the fact that your life is just death in a clever disguise. Be not deceived.
These are honest to god cards I dealt to me today. I bought the pack in a charity shop a few years ago, I took them out and shuffled them around. Then i put them away. These are the cards I dealt, reading the instructions. The way it is done. The first time. This is the first time I shuffled them and laid them down like this. The first time ever.
The art on these are pretty cool, thus I predict I will purchase me several versions of these sometime in the future...