who thinks what of Vancouver Island, BC?

Discussion in 'Canada' started by EcchiSketchie, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. EcchiSketchie

    EcchiSketchie Member

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    I'm all sittin' here.. bored... and I suddenly think "Shwah... how does this rinky dink little island compare to everywhere else...? SO PLEASE! Enlighten me! Give me all hearsay and boo-boo's concerning your thoughts of Vancouver Island. I, myself, am an Islander... Court-en-ay to be exact,, so do please leave a message~
  2. IdentityCrisis

    IdentityCrisis Member

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    Hehe. Oh Courtenay. I go up there sometimes. In fact my friend wants me to go up there with her tomorrow... but I really want to start on my outfit I'm making....

    To answer your question, I've been to Italy, Greece, and Turkey. Out of the four countries, Vancouver Island, Canada is -by far- the best. Maybe just because it's home. I don't know. I also find it beautiful and rugged. I love that about it. I also love how it's the warmest climate in Canada ... and that it's very liberal and open-minded :)
  3. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    van isle is my favorite-ist place in all of canada. it drives me crazy when islanders complain about being island bound and bitch about the ferries to the mainland. i hardly ever want to leave the island, and when i do, it's usually to go to another island. family and ikea are the only reasons i ever go mainland and i try to come back as fast as i can. there's enough to do here to keep me happy for a lifetime.
  4. Lenny

    Lenny Member

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    Heh well this Island quite obviously kicks ass.

    Echhi, your location says "Happy Valley" I live very close to happy valley road and went to Happy Valley Elementary School (which burned down) ....yet you say you live in Courtenay so is there more than one Happy Valley?
  5. IdentityCrisis

    IdentityCrisis Member

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    Hey I remember when that school burned down. I don't even know where it is. I went to Vic West for Elementary school but my friend told me about it.
  6. inbloom

    inbloom as the crow flies...

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    I've never actually been to the island, but I've read and heard so much. It sounds so amazingly beautiful, and I'd love to move there.
  7. chaos

    chaos Member

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    yall should visit the treesit at cathedral grove...good times! its just past the park when your driving west..
  8. Burbot

    Burbot Dig my burdei

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    ive been to bamfeild [well ive been more places, but i was too young to remember]...but i was at the bamfelid marine biology center for a high school weekend feildtrip research thing...

    its a nice community, and it was great to get away from the stupid alberta winter/spring fringe season where its cold and poopy out
  9. IdentityCrisis

    IdentityCrisis Member

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    Cathedral Grove is so awesome. Can you believe they want to cut down trees there to make more parking spots? I mean, people park there to see the trees, if you cut them down - you won't need the parking spots.. and besides.. it's never realy full. If is is... come back later, gawd. Are people still living in those trees, protecting them from being cut down? They were at one point - but that was a long time ago and I'm out of touch.
  10. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    yes, there are people living at the grove, protecting the trees.

    i think that there's more than just a parking lot in the plans... ie zoning for commercial buildings. can you imagine if a starbucks and a mcdonalds went up in the 'parking lot'?
  11. yovo

    yovo Member

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    I love the Island

    I spent a month backpackin round that way last year and as soon as I have enough money to afford a car I'm packin up my shit, movin out there getting a job and a surfboard and forgetting about how much southern Ontario sucks ass
  12. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    yell ya yovo.

    i moved out of sw onterrible about 10 years ago, and havent looked back since.

    you might want to buy your car in bc so that you dont have to go thru all the interprovincial crap involved with moving a car. it can get expensive. i can find the link for a really cool car auction in surrey if you want it. they're always selling good cars really cheap--i got mine for 650 bucks and it's never really given me any trouble.

    you could probably get a job driving someone else's car from T.O. to Van, move your shit that way and get paid for doing it. just check the classifieds, there are drive-aways advertised all the time.

    good luck
  13. yovo

    yovo Member

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    a drive-away eh?

    never would have thaught of that, thanks a million

    and when I start thinking about it more seriously I'll be sure to ask you for that car-auction info

    thanks again


    ...hehehe, Onterrible, sooo true
  14. FerdinandTheImposter

    FerdinandTheImposter Member

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    i lived in courtnay for 8 months but i didnt like the city. everybody always seemed angy or sucpious of me. now im in victoria and its nice
  15. kraftykathy

    kraftykathy Member

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    all my friends live on van island, i love the island, it's my favorite place in the world, but jobs are scarce, at least the kind that can support my family of 5 . otherwise i would move there in an instant. i'll be packing up my family for a visit next summer though! we're in ontario, so it will be a great road trip, woo-hoo! can't wait to see all my people, lol!

  16. Crystaleyez

    Crystaleyez Member

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    I love love love the island. My brother and his girlfriend and my neice live in Bowser, his father lives in Courtney. I just moved from Saltspring. I work in Courtney in the fall sometimes. Its so beautiful there nad the weather is so nice and mild.
  17. ArtLoveMusic

    ArtLoveMusic Senior Member

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    I've never felt more at home in a country than in canada, and ive never felt so in love with a city as i did victoria. ive been to soo soo sooo many countries and canada just calls me back so much. Im actually returning later this year for a few months of traveling and backpacking over the summer :)but knowing me i'll get as far as victoria and just not leave :S

    also i did a bungee jump in Nanaimo so the island has a special thrilling memory for me as i am PERTIFIED of bungee jumps :p
  18. lunasea

    lunasea Member

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    i'm moving out to victoria in a couple of weeks- have travelled a bunch out west and i really dig that town. anybody else living there? have any good job leads in landscaping, cool cafés or something in between?
  19. tuatara

    tuatara Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    i was in victoria in the early 70s .what a trip ..hare krishnas ,hippies ..you name it .......as far as cafes the best was a little place off government road called the SKIN BIN ..what a place ..most in there were zonked out on one thing or another ............wonder if that place still exists
  20. Biida

    Biida Member

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    Being as I'm living so far away from it and couldn't afford to come out to help keep it from happening, I'd probably wind up feeling very upset. Going back there, the magic would be gone. :\...

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