Who is worse??????

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by Chongo Blanco, May 16, 2004.

  1. Chongo Blanco

    Chongo Blanco Banned

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    Who is worse, the people that go to war to stop evil regimes, or the people that stand idley by and watch it happen??? Either way people are dying, which is better for the future of the country???

    By the way, I am talking about Iraq. I know some of you would have tried to sneak the U.S. into this.

    Let's hear both sides of this issue too, not just how evil Bush is for killing all these people.
  2. Chongo Blanco

    Chongo Blanco Banned

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    Fourteen people have viewed this thread and nobody seems to have an opinion? Funny how that works.
  3. VanAstral

    VanAstral Member

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    better make that 15.
  4. fitzy21

    fitzy21 Worst RT Mod EVAH!!!!

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    Maybe you should try re-wording your question to make it more clearer. I know that I am having a little trouble trying to understand what your asking. Maybe because I'm a little high, but I dunno.

    I will try to answer your question more thoroughly tomorrow. Simpson's and other cartoons are interferring in my thought process.
  5. Chongo Blanco

    Chongo Blanco Banned

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    Not quite the response I was looking for but i feel your pain. South Park was just on and now Insomniac. Dave Attel is in Amsterdam puffing on some sticky icky.
  6. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Again, Chongo, people must have you on ignore. I would too, but now I have to shadow you to see if you break the guidelines again... (my favorite thing to do...NOT!)
  7. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    1. Yes I think people should stop evil regimes, and yes, they should first start AT HOME! So Bush goes first.

    2. "Either way people are dying", so it's fine for Bush to be just like Saddam and kill innocent Iraqis, right?

    3. "I know some of you would have tried to sneak the U.S. into this." Duh, that IS the subject of this forum, which you obviously haven't figured out yet since you keep posting off-topic.
  8. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Once more with the ‘either/or’ routine. The thing is that it is not a matter of black or white, good or evil, only the ignorant would think so and since you are a self confessed ignoramus I’m not surprised it’s you who stating it.

    The thing about the Iraq war is its origins, why is it being fought? To rid the world of a bloody regime and a evil dictator? Then you have to ask yourself why the US supported his tyrannical and bloody handed regime when it was at its most evil? Why did Americans stand idly by and watch that happen? Why didn’t they demand their government to stop helping this tyrant, why haven’t they demanded that their government stop supporting all those tyrants it has over the years? I have and many others here have, I don’t know how old you are (I’m hoping you are young, since to have reached adulthood and still be this ignorant would indicate a lazy personality), I hope you would.

    The US government policy is very rarely about helping ‘foreign’ people it’s motivated by other concerns, the economic and political. This can mean propping up evil dictators, and turning a blind eye to the torture, death and untold misery of many ‘foreign’ people. In the main it gets away with it because of Americans like you, the ignorant, and it also relies on the fact that many Americans would prefer to remain ignorant, are you one of those?


    The thing is I was all for getting rid of that bastard Saddam, I was someone that wanted him to burn in hell, but what I did have a very, very big problem with was the US government and especially the Bush Admin and the neo-cons involvement. I didn’t trust their intentions and I was never convinced that they had the interests of the Iraqi people at heart and I believe that events have shown that I was correct.


    You ask who is worse those that wanted the war and those that opposed it? Well to me the ones that are truly the worsted are those hypocrites that pretend they ever cared about the Iraqi peoples fate.

  9. Chongo Blanco

    Chongo Blanco Banned

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    You are obviously beyond reasoning with, but here goes nothing.
    -You say:
    1. Yes I think people should stop evil regimes, and yes, they should first start AT HOME! So Bush goes first.
    -Hussein has been in power long before either Bush was in office, and I know what you are going to say.....The U.S. backed Saddam. Yes they did, to stop a bigger problem at the time. Now why is it that nobody did anything about removing Saddam from power for so many years, and now when somebody decided to do something about it, we are war mongors. When was the rest of the world going to "stop evil regimes" as you put it??? After it was too late?
    2. "Either way people are dying", so it's fine for Bush to be just like Saddam and kill innocent Iraqis, right?
    -Of course it isn't fine to kill innocent Iraqis, but it is not Bush's intention to kill innocent Iraqis. Do you think that the Iraqi people, in light of the casualties, would rather be ruled by Saddam?

    -Alright Balbus, your moment to shine....
    "The thing is I was all for getting rid of that bastard Saddam, I was someone that wanted him to burn in hell, but what I did have a very, very big problem with was the US government and especially the Bush Admin and the neo-cons involvement. I didn’t trust their intentions and I was never convinced that they had the interests of the Iraqi people at heart and I believe that events have shown that I was correct."-Balbus

    -Now I have started a new topic asking alternative methods to removing Saddam and I do believe that I haven't heard your ingenious plot to remove Saddam. So, let's hear it!

    -You had a very, very big problem with the US government, Bush Ad., neo-cons involvement. Who do you think should have taken Saddam out of power?

    -It seems to me that both of you must be jealous of America, or just afraid to really back up what you are saying.
  10. fitzy21

    fitzy21 Worst RT Mod EVAH!!!!

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    Of course, the people who go to war to stop evil regimes are better than the people who just stand by and watch while that regime kills people. but the way the US did it was wrong. There was no imminent threat so there was no need to rush the process along. We could have definatley waited a little longer to convince other countries that Saddam needed to go. But using false information to convince those countries was a mistake. It was a mistake going in as a US led coalition. A UN or even NATO led coalition would have been better, but an even better solution would have been bringing in Muslim nations with us. Using these muslim nations could have had the ability to show the Iraqi's that the US was getting rid of Saddam for Iraqi's best interest. The Muslim nations could have curb a lot of the violence that we now see against the US; it would have shown the Iraqi civilians that they should stand up against Saddam and fight along side the coalition.

    either way, civilians and military personal die, but having Muslim nations come in with us could have curbed those casualties.

    Of course it is better off for the country to get rid of Saddam, but now we have to make sure that Iraq gets a stable government. We cannot leave Iraq now because of the possible civil war between the Shite and Suni Muslims or another bad apple tries to take over the country. But we cannot force them to have a democracy just like ours, it will not work in Iraq. We have to leave that upto the new government of Iraq. If the Iraqi's really want Freedom, then they are going to have to take "freedom" and put a choke hold on it and install a government that they believe will give them the freedom they want. I believe the only responsibility the US has in the Iraq government is making sure they do not get a government that was like Saddam's or worse. That should be the only concern for the US in Iraqi government. We have to leave all of Iraqs natural resources alone. On the rebuilding part, we have to give contracts to Iraqi's, not US companies that are only looking for there best interest. Giving Iraqi's the contracts will allow Iraqi's to get job's, which will allow the economy to grow. The US still has to help re-construct Iraq's infrastructure, which we destroyed with all the bombings. For the bettering of the Iraq, i believe it wouldn't be right to make Iraq repay us for rebuilding there infrastructure. This will take away from Iraq's economy and only cause them more trouble and because we didn't go to war with all of Iraq, we went there to get rid of Saddam and the Baath party and supporters which is not even close to the majority of the country, so i believe it would be unfair to have them repay us for that. we also have to make sure the sanctions are lifted and help get Iraq back into the world economy.

    and finally, the US has to make a really clear meesage, and sincerely show from now on until Iraq has a self-governing government that we are in Iraq for Iraq's best interest and not for US corporations. We cannot just say this, we have to prove this to the world and more importantly, all of Iraqi people.

    For the record, I was all for getting rid of Saddam, but I was against a US-led coalition. And i am against the government giving exclusive contracts to US companies that are interested only in themselves.
  11. Chongo Blanco

    Chongo Blanco Banned

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    You know what is ironic? Everybody but Iraq is focusing on why we went to war. Iraqis don't give a shit. To them they won the lottery, and now they are busy planning their future. Iraqis wish we would stop talking about it as much as I do.

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