Isn't bigfoot basically a gorilla? They do exist just not in the Pacific northwest. The loch ness monster is a dinosaur. So I'm going with bigfoot
the universe is diverse. we only know or think we know, what exists locally where we are. in cities there are all kind of wild creatures sleeping under parked cars or behind piles of forgotten stuff. life forms unfamiliar or uncommon are not monsters. plenty do exist. but maybe not the ones that gain a reputation in the telling. you just never know though, and if they don't exist where they're claimed to, nothing to stop them from existing somewhere else. some other world circling some other sun, where people don't look anything like us either.
without doing my research, i would think that it would be easier for nessie to hide at the bottom of a lake than for bigfoot to wander the united states without leaving any legitimate evidence of his existence. but loch ness isn't that big, so it's possible that it has been fully mapped without my knowledge.
I think the Loch Ness monster was real at one point but is probably dead by now. I think it could also be possible for there to be a creature people see that they call Bigfoot and it could be almost anything, I lean more toward Loch Ness monster though.
Dinosaurs are still here....... That’s a fact. Polypterus sp. remain relatively unchanged for 65M years, with fossil remains going back 118M years. (Well within the timescale of dinosaurs) P. Ornatipinnis is a beautiful fish. I have kept these. P. Senegalus is commonly known as dinosaur eel. Don’t rule out Nessie. (Also) Loch ness is our largest body of water by volume. either would be a cool discovery but I fear extinction would be swift in the name of science.
everything you can imagine is to some degree likely to exist someplace. just not all in the same place, nor that place being here. nothing to stop there from being some planet circling some other sun, on which people are 'nessies' and another on which people are 'bigfoots'. and dozzens on which each are just common animals.
you may find one of those somewhere too. i think that's what's called an esk. although i'm not really sure what is. i know of several artists who draw them and i think they're kind of cute. except i think they're smaller then either, somewhere around the size of a large dog or 'big' cat. though most drawing of them are not easy to judge scale. the dragons of celtic lore were more like large elongated river otters. maybe that's what an esk is. the depictions of nessie are of course of an icthiosaur. when i first heard about nessie it was still possible there could have been a surviving pod of icthiosaurs hidden away somewhere. bigfoot of course is just a big harry intelligent ape, of perhaps human or near human intelligence. with its feet supposedly on backwards, but that part, you know people tell stories to make them interesting. even thousands of years ago people whould disguise their appearance to go hunting or for religious rituals. crypto hominids shouldn't really be too surprising. but big harry elongated river otters, with dog+dragon+mustalid looking faces, that probably live and act, just like river otters, i like that. and then you have, people and animals evolved on other worlds, and there, you could have anything that looks like anything. and not just bugs and lizzards and mammels, but forms we've yet to imagine.
Isnt it just a river now.. I google but I cant really tell how wide some that is, still large enough to pass a whale..
I went with big foot but on the other hand, the loch ness was a plesiasaur and they did actually exist.
Yes a plesiasaur, that was my belief. I still think they, or something similar still live in the sea.