Who Feels Comfortable Going To An All Women's College?

Discussion in 'Transexual and Transgender' started by Kick Frenzy, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    Hello there everyone.

    I'm having a debate in another forum over something the community here may be able to help me with.
    It's over admissions at a college for women.
    Namely, Bryn Mawr.

    The college recently clarified its transgender/intersex admission policy. (See: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/local/20150210_Bryn_Mawr_clarifies_admission_policy_visvis_intersex_individuals.html)
    Basically, i you identify as female when applying, you are eligible.
    However, in the instance of females who have taken medical and/or legal steps to identify as male are not eligible.

    So, the debate I'm in elsewhere is whether the college should be allowing applications from females who identify as male, but are still physically female.
    I say that it's offensive to even suggest that someone who identifies as male should try to apply to a women's college, regardless of physical appearance.

    But, since I'm not transgender, I thought I should seek the thoughts of those who are... or at least a community that has more experience than I do in this topic.
    Which is why I'm posting this thread. :)

    Any thoughts on this?
  2. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    DNA says what sex you are.
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  3. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    Oh hi there.
    Thanks for stopping by to offer a derogatory comment that offers no substance to the conversation at all.

    Although, I'm wondering if your DNA shows that you're a troll?
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  4. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    You asked about identification, so I just stated a scientific fact that the DNA of a person says if they are a man or woman. So you dispute fact?
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  5. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    No, I didn't ask about identification.
    I asked about an admission policy at an all women's college and how it's perceived by those who are transgendered or knowledgeable about trans life.

    You know full well that you're being an ass with your comments.

    I mean, hey... if all you're trying to do is prove to people that you're a troll and an ass, then...
    please, proceed.
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Reverse the question.

    Who feels comfortable going to an all girls school when one "girl" identifies herself as a male.

    Personally, I'd feel uncomfortable with that.
  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    and who is the op calling someone else a troll who is supposedly new here?
    feels creepy to me.
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    One of those deals where OP has an opinion about something that's not even related to their lifestyle but their opinion matters to them of course and God forbid anyone else has a differing opinion or enlightenment to the subject.

    I sense butthurt a coming...
  9. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    That's a good point.
    I'm assuming it doesn't matter whether you go to that school or not, you would still find someone who identifies as male attending that school to be a breach of trust in their standing as an all women's college.

    I could be wrong, which is why I used "assuming".

    But thank you for your answer! :)
  10. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    I called him a troll because I asked a direct question regarding the admissions policy of a college and how someone that is transgender would feel about certain aspects of it.
    Coming into this thread and just stating that DNA makes you who you are doesn't answer anything.
    The only thing he is possibly saying there is that if you're born with the physical characteristics of one sex, it means that's the sex you are.
    It seems like his answer would be offensive to the trans community, while at the same time implying that the nuances I'm asking about don't even exist, according to his version of science.
    Then his second answer sounds exactly like countless trolls who try to make a trolling comment then act like they're totally innocent and only meant something that was oh so on point.

    To me, those posts come across as someone trolling a topic.
    Or at the very least degrading it's legitimacy.

    And just because I'm not transgendered myself, or very experienced in my personal life with it, doesn't mean I'm completely bereft of knowlegde.
    It helps a little that I have friends that are in the community and that I've read articles about and by those in the community.
    Which simply means I'm not completely in the dark about this topic, but I don't pretend it makes me an expert or anything either.
    So I came somewhere that I could ask a more knowledgeable community for their opinion.

    I have no problem with differing opinions.
    But the reply Vance gave wasn't an opinion on how trans women or trans men would feel about a trans male (while still possessing all female physiology) being allowed into an all women's college.

    As an example, Irminsul, you offered a great response!
    It was informational and applied to the question I asked, instead of dismissing the entire topic AND trans community in one fell swoop like Vance's reply.
  11. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    calling someone a name on a forum does not do any good...You could have just said. I do not appreciate your answer in regards to my question is all....

    I am not saying I am innocent and never have been guiltty of losing my temper and saying things that i do not regret. I am making more of a conscious effort now.....

    In regards to your question...i have no idea....if it is fine with the girls at the college, then why not...i would not have a problem with it, but then I never went to an all girl's school, nor would I want to.
  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    True. I dunno. Lol. I didn't read it like that really at all. But I do think out of the reality of it all, whether it was an inconsiderate troll post or not, kinda hit the nail on the head with it. The answers would be more simplistic if his view was taken in earnest, in my opinion anyway.
  13. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    A more pointed question is also... would a trans male, who physically has only female bits, ever demand that they should be let into an all women's college?

    Or would it be far more likely that a trans male would never apply to that college in the first place, because they don't identify as female... regardless of physical appearance?
    (And would they be offended, or at least shake their head at ignorance, if someone suggested they should apply?)

    On a side note, this whole topic is really up front in my head currently because I recently finished reading the article in Rolling Stone about Cece McDonald (Aug 14 2014 issue).
    It's really powerful and illuminates a lot of the senseless tragedy surrounding the community as a whole.
    So, when the article about the Bryn Mawr policy came out recently, then showed up in a thread on that other forum... I took a piqued interest in the thread.
  14. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    Generally, I don't go lashing out at people all willy-nilly like.
    But I also don't take kindly to trolls, derailers or assholes.
    Vance came in making a comment that could really only be construed as denigrating the topic and community altogether.
    So, in that case, I called him out on it.

    The girls at the school pushed for greater inclusion of intersex and transgender applicants.
    But the whole point was that it's a college for women and their policy says that someone who identifies as male would not be welcome to apply.
    And the question was whether it would be offensive for someone who has female bits, but identifies as male, to demand the right to apply.
  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I do not know Vance, so i cannot speak for him, nor would i if i did know him...that is up to him to do....but maybe, just maybe he did not really understand the question and maybe he was just making a smart remark....who knows? I did not find what he said that offensive really though.....so how could it be to the transgender community? It is the truth....

    someone should always fight for their right as a human being.....so that person fighting to get into an all girl's school...i wish them all the luck.
  16. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    I'm not sure what you mean by "hit the nail on the head".

    The only thing it seems to hit on the head is showing that he doesn't believe transgender is a real thing.
    He's saying that anyone who claims to be transgender is lying or making a conscious choice to identify as another sex, instead of it being an expression of who they truly are on the inside.

    And I suppose I could be wrong, but I would hazard a guess that nobody chooses to be transgender and all the horrors that society foists upon anyone who is.
  17. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hmmm...It would really just solve the whole thing if there were no exclusive schools.
  18. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    True... of course, there would have to be no issues with rape, "slut shaming", threatening/physical harm or any of a whole gaggle of issues at co-ed schools, for their to be no reason to have exclusive schools.
    But, if all that were to be dealt with, then yeah... there would be no need for exclusive schools.

    It's the same reason why women's shelters don't allow men in the building, it's an issue of having a safe place to exist in.
  19. Kick Frenzy

    Kick Frenzy Members

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    I don't know him either, but I do know that claiming DNA determines your sex is to dismiss the entire transgender community.

    But if Vance wants to come back and explain what he really meant, if it was innocent to begin with, then I'm all ears.
  20. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I would think it possible for

    "rape, "slut shaming", threatening/physical harm or any of a whole gaggle of issues at co-ed schools"

    to go on at all female or all male schools also.

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