Who else hates Christmas?

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Stella_Drives, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. Stella_Drives

    Stella_Drives Senior Member

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    Let's share horrible stories to feel better about our situations. Huzzah.

    I've always disliked Christmas because all my childhood memories include beatings and alcohol. Now, I really fucking hate Christmas. My folks just split up a week or so ago, and I was torn between who to spend time with. My mom's been really strung out on drugs and my dads really depressed and suicidal. I decided to spend XMAS Eve with my brother and we went to both moms and dads. Dad was good, stable, happy, had a great time actually. Then went to see mom, she was really fucked up, not forming sentences really, just repeating what we were saying back to her. Her and my brother get in quite the fight to the point that he throws his Christmas gift for her at her, we leave quickly. Head back to my house, smoke large amounts of weed, at midnight the boy comes over, he and I feel the same about XMAS and come from similar families so it was good to have someone talk to that understood. We got in bed and told each other than this year Christmas would be different because we had each other, so we had some hot early Christmas morning love, I slept for like a hour, woke up, smooched and went to our respective families.

    All day my arm has been acheing, quite literally, to shoot up into it. It's an awful feeling. I took some xanax and drank some gin and head to a XMAS party, pass out on the couch in stilettos (classy, I know) Get woken up by my grandfather who asked me if I'm sober, and makes an inappropriate joke that I need an intervention. I drink some more, pass back out, wake up 2 hours later. Leave with my brother, go to my moms. Shes so fucked up, tells me she sold my guitar to "pay bills" yet she didnt have any money to get my a gift this year. And I don't care much about material things, but she didnt even get me a fucking card and I hand knit this women a scarf, made her cookies and spent 50 dollars on other little gifts. AND, she got my brother multiple gifts, me, nothing. When he's been ignoring her for the past 2 months and Ive been trying diligently to get her into some sort of treatment program. This just made me so made that I do soooo much for her and I get nothing in return.

    Then, my ex-girlfriend calls, shes fucking loaded with money and has a great family and tells me about how shes having a great time and all the money and presents she received. All of this is well and good, but she is totally aware of my situation and was just saying these things to kick me while I was down. We get in a huge fight, she calls me handfuls of awful names, I tell her "please, not now, I'm having a rough day, please" She doesnt care, continues and tells me to stop contacting her and her family, even though I'm closer to her family than I am to my own, so now I can't even talk to them.

    So here I am, sitting in my apartment, indulging in drugs and alcohol, because this is America, and it's my right as an American. My buddies about to come over because he called me, realized I was fucked up on the phone, and is coming over to make sure I'm ok seeing as I've been doing a damn good job at sobriety up until... now.

    And I didn't want to be a downer, but Im sure I'm not the only person that doesn't enjoy the holidays, share your stories!!!
    Native Vee likes this.
  2. skullkidnate

    skullkidnate ナサニエル

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    Awww, Bailey!!!

    Internet hug, first....

    My family doesn't get along either, but my parents aren't drug users, but my dad does drink, and shit gets messy.

    My mom bitches how I do nothing to help out, but she is really fucking happy after she opened her gifts from me,,, that's some shit.

    Maybe if you visit your mom first next time she won't be as hopped up on drugs. It was fucked up of her to sell your guitar and not even get you a christmas card. Sorry...
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I dont dislike chrismas. It just lost the feeling it had cause nobody share the joy..
    But the fact the matter is nobody shares the joy of anything else..
    Like celebrating promotions for jobs and things you excell in..
    My family dont share the excitement of that.. Opening up a gift to create excitment isnt very real to me.. Id rather someone tell me what a great job did or am doing...
    The pride in doing the things you do no matter how big or small..
    It goes to show what your family really knows about you..
    Seeing people once a year and having to catch them up on what your doing.. fuck that.. (i guess that why there is facebook)lol.
    There were only a few relationships I was in that mabe chrismas feel like special. But even my ex over the last couple of years didnt care about us. but she sure would call all her family all fucking day on the phone. In my mind it I was thinking all these people you cant stand all year Now you want to call them on my day off??
    Then Im better off working for time and 1/2. I mean geezee Ill try and adjust to the holiday feel but its fake anyways.. So what the point..

    being that they sold your guitar find some china or something of value in the attic and sell that..
    My parents screwed me once and i sold some china I had in storage from my gradmother, smuggled here from germany worth over a grand had it had a set of bowls served 8.. I got $600.00 just like that at a antique dealer.. < I bought music equipment with most the money and some weed.
  4. makesmomcry420

    makesmomcry420 shlimazl

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    this guy right here(me) hates christmas. i dont have any really horrible christmas stories. this is the day my family has always pretended that we are a happy family.
  5. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    you know.. i don't try to be the asshole in these situations.. it just comes off with what i say here.. but seriously.. you're trying to help your mom sober up and then you turn around and bury yourself in whatever drugs you've taken.. yea.. that's not fuckin hypocritical.. grow the fuck up.. or you'll just end up a product of your environment...

    trust me i know about the whole tryin to get a loved one into some sort of treatment.. and doing what you are doing is not gonna help things.. if you're gonna go through with trying to help her then you gotta be ready for any and all physical and mental abuse you can handle and then some.. because you're gonna take a lot of it.. you gotta try and take it all with a grain of salt..
  6. makesmomcry420

    makesmomcry420 shlimazl

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    oh and btw, totally sucks about your fantasic christmas bailey. family situations plus more family problems equals bad times. well at least you have someone to keep you company
  7. makesmomcry420

    makesmomcry420 shlimazl

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    looking on the bright side? thats not like me
  8. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    when all else fails.. just remember your not homeless or retarded
  9. Dragonfly

    Dragonfly Senior Member

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    i don't like christmas much either, it's a crappy holiday, too much stress and obligation. although i must say now that i've got a kid it's great to see her face christmas morn.
  10. Stella_Drives

    Stella_Drives Senior Member

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    I am fully aware of being a product of my environment, and that;'s why I've been getting sober and have been sober for a good while, but today was just too much. I did grow the fuck up, way too early actually. But being sober is awfully hard on days like these
  11. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I have to agree.. I would do the samething when I was younger my parents were asshole. So id get fucked up.. Then I thought wait a minute things will never get better for me if Im getting fucked up like them..
    They are trying to create a distration to keep you, just like them. And your letting the distraction keep you from being yourself , intead your being like them. FUCKED UP..
    This perfect example of a disfunctional familys disease passing from one to the other..

    btw I love you Stella..:grouphug:
  12. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    these are the days that are tests.. you can't pass.. you fail.. i'd prefer not to see you fail :)
  13. mr.greenxxx

    mr.greenxxx Not an Average Bear

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    I fucking hate christmas. Not just for how crazy normal people get over it, but also for how bs it is. This years was by far the worst i have yet had to endure... We didnt even celebrate it... I just ended up getting a box of beer and downing it over acouple of days. So yea, i just drank the pain away and watched films untill the same came up again...

    Im sorry for everyone who had a shitty christmas too... I would say aaah shit will get better in the end... But it never does.
    I havent been this depressed in a while, surifng youtube for funny shit to stop thinkin about my state... Bah, Atleast im not homeless or retarded....
  14. Native Vee

    Native Vee Members

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    I agree with the thread starter........

    I now hate christmas with a passion because its turned into ugly garbage not worthy of me!!!

    Disgusting decorations,horrid lights and just disgusting and not christmas like I remember it in the 80s and before.......

    I havent celebrated it in many years.........
  15. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    Sorry guys, I love Christmas!

    Big gatherings, hearty meals, cute comfy sweaters, getting together with my friends to watch Love Actually. My kid absolutely loves decorating the tree. His face lights up more than the tree does!

    Baking cookies, that magical hope that maybe it will be a white Christmas, and, because I am an eternal kid at heart, keeping the illusion that Santa is real--leaving out milk and cookies, putting even the presents I bought for myself under the tree--just for the hell of it.

    Oh! And the food! Posole, tamales, biscochitos. And the smell of burning piñon in the air, the warm glow of fire places, luminarias, and farralitos.

    It's the most wholesome time of the year. In a world full of hate and intolerance, I need my wholesomeness.
  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It's a magical time for the little ones ( or should be) , before the bullshit of the real world hits ém.
    Native Vee likes this.
  17. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    Let's say, every year, I like it just a little bit less. The whole thinking of the perfect gift for people that lack for nothing, Christmas shopping in general I detest - the frenzy. She treats it like it's a big assigned task....gotta do all this stuff that in the end doesn't really amount to anything, buy this buy that...cook this cook that.... It would be nice to just get together more and just have fun.

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