Who doesn't have a belly button?

Discussion in 'Rainbow Family' started by zihger, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. odonII

    odonII O

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    From your links:

    Philip Henry Gosse: Gosse was author of Omphalos, an attempt to reconcile the geological ages presupposed by Charles Lyell with the biblical account of creation.

    I don't think it was a common belief in science unless you were also religious, too.
  2. desert-rat

    desert-rat Senior Member

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    I may of miss spoke in stating that it is a common belief that Adam and Eve had no belly button . I think its more the belief of thoes that chose to worry about such things . I was razed Christain , and understand the moral code its founders were putting in to efect by writing the Bible . I have a some what different belief system , with out Adam and Eve . The Bible never does state who Cane's wife was , not his sistor as some will tell you , thats incest .
  3. odonII

    odonII O

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    I would agree with that.

    What's gonna happen if it was his sister? There both going to be arrested?
    I guess looking at it from our perspective, it isn't something many Christians want to entertain - because they see it as morally wrong.
    Biologically it's a bit suspect.
    But, it is likely there would not be any genetic abnormalities.

    Cain is described as a crop farmer and his younger brother Abel as a shepherd - who exactly were they farming and shepherding for? o_O

    I would imagine in the unabridged version of the Bible it does tell us a lot more than the current version.

    I guess the best thing to do in awkward situations like this is ignore it.
  4. desert-rat

    desert-rat Senior Member

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    In older Bibles Adams first wife was Lilith . She may of had some children with Adam . Cain's wife could of been a daughter of Lilith . After some problems with Adam she got turned in to a demon . As i understand the Bible it is more a moral code book , not literal history . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith
  5. odonII

    odonII O

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    I think that is obvious. But realise some people see it as truth. Given the large passage of time until some of the 'history' is written (upto a thousand years) - I would suggest she is, like many characters in the bible, an amalgamation of many. It's quite amazing these stories have lasted so long, to be honest.

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