We all know that one guy who buys a nickle bag to share in the circle in the basement. Which friend do you or the gang depend on securing a bag?
This isn’t 1994 anymore, just go to the weed store and buy some. ...unless you’re somewhere where it’s still illegal and act like it’s still some taboo thing
well you're both wrong. there's no weed stores unless you move to the coast or some shit. but nobody buys a nickel bag to share in a circle in the basement either. maybe if you're in high school or something? i went to a redneck high school so pot wasn't really a thing there, and by college everyone just had their own stash and anytime a group smoke session was starting everyone would throw down a bit of their own.
weed is meant to be done alone anyway. the entire point of weed is to make sitting by yourself doing nothing enjoyable. that's why it goes so well with video games.
Lol. Great answers guys. Thank you for indulging and humoring me. While I do like to joke and be silly and goofy it was a total legit question. At least in mind it was ha ha. A friend of mine used to work with another guy who's cousin was a dealer. So there ya go.
But when you start smoking it (usually in your teens) its more of a social thing + you can't legally get it yourself so you need a source. Which regularly is maintained by obe person in your social group. I guess the answers so far not only make clear weed is legalized in more places than it was in our youth, but also that most people who posted here so far are in their twenties or thirties and don't rely on or smoke in social groups anymore
yeah, i mentioned in my other post that the concept would make more sense for someone in high school. i also mentioned that i didn't really get into it until college, but by that point there were probably at least ten different people i could call at any given time to buy some. i don't know what it's like at a big high school, but i would imagine it would be similar.
Among my small group of friends there isn't a designated buyer. Whoever happens to have money or has a legit connection usually buys it.