Who Am I?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by OnaQuestfortheD, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. OnaQuestfortheD

    OnaQuestfortheD Neither Hip nor For 'em

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    It's been a while since I've posted anything on these forums. Usually it's just me whining about my depression or my anger issues or my insatiable sex drive, etc. But on those rare occasions when I'm not consumed by any of those overbearing emotions or feelings... I tend to feel more introspective and existential, like how I feel at this moment. The only things I feel now are an ominous twinge of pressure and stress that won't completely go away, despite my calm demeanor. Because I honestly don't know my place in this world. Am I nothing more than the perverted dick-craving creep who stalks these forums with one thing on his mind? Is there nothing more to me than that? I've been given this gift of life, a gift that I often doubt I deserve, and what am I doing with it? Wasting all my time chasing after these carnal urges? For what? A moment of pleasure, of hollow fulfillment that passes as quickly as it comes? Is that the only dimension of my character? Am I completely worthless beyond being "that pervy idiot who only cares about sex"?
  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I thought of neurology with your post here.....You are living in your primal brain or paleo brain more than the other parts...there is nothing wrong with that....but it would depend on what you want out of life for yourself.....if you want more ,,,,tap into your neo cortex brain .....the phrase "higher brain"....that is a cliche that does mean something....or balance all the parts of your brain.....depends on what you want, as i said, ultimately.
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  3. Hey, at least your post made sense. Lots of times people will come on here and you won't even understand what they're trying to say. But you, you just made sense. I say if you can make sense and be a dick craving creep, then you've got every right to be a dick craving creep and there doesn't have to be more to you than that.

    Embrace yourself. You are a dick craving creep and the star of the show! Some of us were made to throw footballs. Some of us were made to perform open heart surgery. Some of us were made to eat too many tacos. And some of us were made to be dick craving creeps. You've got a place in this world -- what more can you ask for?
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  4. Eerily

    Eerily Members

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  5. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    you are a surprise and a mystery, hidden from a universe that has yet even to imagine you exist.
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  6. broony

    broony Banned

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    We are all made of stardust.

    So that means you have stars in you.
  7. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    And some glitter!

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