Here I am on the hip forum. I'm not sure if I am hip or just delusional I am so glad it is springtime and I think my chickens agree with me. My garden is on schedule and I follow Frank Zappa's advise to "Call any vegetable, call it by name, and the vegetable will respond to you." I'm have been married for 35 years, have two grown children, 23 chickens, 2 indoor cats and not sure the number on the outdoor felines (that's my wife's department).
There's a hippie gene! According to "science", Bonobos make love, not war. Chimps have been documented to kill and make war. Bonobos share food with total strangers, but chimps do not. Bonobos stay close to their mothers — who even pick out their sons' mates — long after infancy, like humans. But chimps tend to use tools better and have bigger brains, like humans. So I guess you're hip if you cook us some chicken tenders. lol (joking).
*waves* and a grand welcome. Hope you feel at home here and find what you are looking for. wow 35 years - that's a blessing. Hope you have a good week. Best wishes.