Please read my other entry first: So, I bought something that was supposed to be LSD. I took 1 gelatine cube that was supposed to be 160ug. after 1h I just had some weak visuals, just a little glow. And I was clear in my head. I mean you know how weird your thoughts become when you have taken LSD or shrooms... Took 2 more gelatine cubes because I at the time thought it was LSD just much lower dose than 160ug, so I felt like I could take 2 more doses since I already waited 1 hour after the first dose... And as I wrote in the other entry. I saw a lot of patterns and colors and it the visuals where pretty strong and beautiful. But I got really tense. Music sounded horrible, reaaally fucking annoying and flat. I laughed a looooot at the times. And my body felt pretty weird. SO: no wonderful feeling of oneness. no spiritual experience at ALL this is what the person wrote back to me, actually trying to convince me that the reason it being so different to my other LSD trips is that this was in fact: White fluff- LSD-25, 95% LSD. Anyone here that has tried LSD-25 and can tell me what an LSD-25 trip is like? Now this is total bullshit, right?
you got the same thing going on in another thread.. dont make a new thread.. we have enough jumbled shit here.. thanks..
I just want to know if there is a difference between LSD? and LSD-25; or is EVERY kind of LSD LSD-25..?
the "25" at the end of "LSD-25" is nothing but the numerical code that Sandoz assigned to the compounds it was researching. LSD was the 25th lysergic compound being researched, maybe LSB was "LSB-24". the "25" means nothing. she doesn't know what she's talking about or she's taking you for a real fool. she sold you NBOME.
With white fluff you should have no doubt. The "cleanness" of LSD can affect the trip. The better it is made the better it fits into your brain. Fluff is very clean and should not be giving a light trip.
So basically, if the music SUCKED on this substance and I had no spiritual experience what so ever, it just couldn't be LSD, right?
while it's possible that the impurities in LSD could affect the trip, the actual LSD molecules (even in "dirty" acid) will have the exact same shape. otherwise they wouldn't be LSD molecules. if they had a different shape they would be isomers. so i suppose if you make LSD better, you might end up with less isomers, and more LSD molecules and therefore it will "fit into your brain" better. i started this post disagreeing with you. now i guess i don't, necessarily
excuse a chemically uneducated comment but, doesn't LSD, the molecule, do the fitting, and everything that is not LSD does something different? other molecules in the LSD (i.e. "dirty") don't change the properties of LSD do they? like many say, LSD is LSD is LSD. it either is or it's something else. cause last time I had LSD, it came in little red stars, 150-ish ug and a bunch of other stuff. (dirty?) and i hear of people eating LSD all the time that is mixed with paper, sugar cubes, etc. makes no sense that the presence of another substance automatically makes LSD "dirty". i'll refrain from posting Erowid links yet again.
I think had you asked this question a half decade ago, the majority of responses likely would have been you didn't have a good set and setting. I don't think you should lose sight of the fact that LSD trips can have a tremendous amount of variation from trip to trip based on these variables as well as dose. However I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to people dosing and suspect of what they have, particularly with the current prevalence of Nbome chems. Given everything you have said in the trip description and given that you were in a good set and setting with a substantial dose, it definitely sounds like you got an Nbome chem to me. Like I said in that other thread, I recommend to just cut ties with that dealer but if you are insistent to interact with her and she still has some of that substance, I'd recommend purchasing a testing kit (ehrlich, Marquis) and test it to prove her wrong, rather than tell her she is wrong based on subjective affects.
Given this, and given your dealers' comments regarding it being "LSD-25" as opposed to "LSD", and given the NBOME phenomenon, it is highly likely that you've been duped. And it's somewhat likely that she herself has been duped.
Synthetic psilocybin vs mushrooms differs though(I've read, as does synthetic mescaline to cactus), due to other alkaloids being present.. couldn't there be some minor differences in LSD? Not sure how the other LSx's synthesis differs from LSD, but maybe there's some sort of contamination? Dunno..
^^that's due to other psychoactive alkaloids in the mushroom. taking mushrooms isn't the same as synthetic psilocin. the impurities in LSD are thought to be inactive..therefore they don't affect the trip, other than lowering the amount of real LSD present, relative to more pure stuff.