I don't really like the cinematics between levels, so if that's what you mean I'm really not sure. However, despite their use of cinematic interludes, I've found that the Final Fantasy series can be quite interesting, if not prolonged. I guess I'm kind of worn out on video games.
FF7 and FF8 for me speaking of video games, I started playing Final Fantasy 12 again. I haven't played it before. Story line seems good so far.
Not sure. There's also a difference between a great plotline and just an average story that is just very well told. Me thinks the latter counts for games like Uncharted and The Last of Us. Bioshock overall has a better plotline than The Last of Us. That The last of us was at least as compelling is because of the excellent worked out setting and cinematics.
Mount & blade: Warband, along with mods and multiplayer it's really a oddity among games, but a very fun and addicting one.
I can see slur in being mentioned it is an awesome story but I will be the dick that points out that mod community has nothing to do with that.
CS:GO as for me. I'm fond of this game. I started playing CS a few years ago, now I play it through eSports platform at https://dreamteam.gg/csgo/players with a group of players from different coutries. We organize different competitions to improve the gaming skills. I'm just an amateur but want to become a pro player one day.