Those is just a curiosity question. Do all guys have the same side hang lower or is it just a random thing? My left one hangs lower, how about yours?
My left hangs lower, and I always go commando so when I am wearing pants my pecker also goes to the left
My right testicle hangs lower than my left one and is SUBSTANTIALLY larger that the left one as well. In fact, my right testicle is measurably larger that a regulation 4-1/4" cue ball. (I have a photo, if anyone is interested.)
I'm right handed and my left testicle has always hung lower. I don't think it has anything to do with what your dominant hand is!! This little fact is odd. I always thought that the left testicle was lower on most men!!! About 1,460,000 results (0.32 seconds) Scrotal asymmetry, in which one testicle extends farther down into the scrotum than the other, is common. This is because of the differences in the vasculature's anatomy. For 85% of men, the right testis hangs lower than the left one.
Neither, mine are symmetrical and my scrotum is tight like the on Greek statues. Some lovers have commented that it is more attractive.