Where were you at the age of 25?

Discussion in 'Ask The Old Hippies' started by Double Penetration, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Double Penetration

    Double Penetration Guest

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    to men: What would you like to DP ?

    to women: What the position u like ?
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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  3. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Just when I thought my day couldn't get weirder ....
  4. the_doors_of_perception

    the_doors_of_perception Member

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    Feel free to be as detailed as possible-- did you have a job, a car, a house/apartment? Did you graduate college? What year was it? Where were you? What else were you doing? What were you hoping to do with your life? What has improved and what has NOT improved for you, since then?

    I'm 25, just graduated (started 3 years late, long story short, I was stuck in a 3rd world country for a few years for a while and didn't want to start there). I'm looking for a job so I can continue doing my artwork, and then hopefully start selling more of it so I can sustain myself that way for now.

    B) :rolleyes:
  5. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    The year was 2001. I was a single mom with three kids (ages 10, 6 and 4). I lived in Andover, Massachusetts (home of Jay Leno). My next door neighbor was Betty Ong (flight attendant on American Airlines flight 11). I worked as a secretary for a summer camp, which was owned by Jim Luscutoff (his father was a player for the Boston Celtics). I was having lesbian sex with a coworker. My car was smashed by a train, I was on the local news. I quit my job and moved to Maine ten days before 9/11. Just a few weeks before I moved, Betty talked about leaving her career. I wanted to encourage her, because of a strong feeling, but I said nothing. I think we both knew, unconsciously.

    I'm 38 now, and I'm obsessed with space aliens.
  6. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    It was 2004. I was 6 years into my career. Married for 5 years. Just starting to think about having kids. We had just moved into our 2nd house. I was driving my dream car, a 2004 Jeep Wrangler.

    10 years later...I own my own business. I'm still married to the same awesome guy. We still don't have kids. Still living in the same house and now I'm driving a Jeep Compass.
  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Sorry.... I don't recall.
  8. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    Where in Maine. We're about the same age.

    Rev J
  9. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    you're like forrest gump.

    when i was 25 i was living in toledo (shittiest town i can imagine) working as an assistant manager at pizza hut (shittiest job i can imagine). on the good side, i was in the process of figuring out what i actually wanted to do with my life (which i have since begun to do) and i was in a bowling league, which was just a lot of fun and is the one thing i actually miss about that year.
  10. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Twas 1997, which was the year of:

    "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (gotta get with my friends)
    Make it last forever friendship never ends,
    If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give,
    Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is."

    And I never realised till now the lyrics are "get with my friends", so all this time the spice girls were singing about gangbangs
  11. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    I had just finished working for 18 months and saving all the money I could to buy a round the world ticket and finally see the South Pacific ..... and some other places.

    I was gone for more than a year, met lots of great people. Those were the days.
  12. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    It was four years ago, almost 5, but it feels like a lifetime ago. I was roomies with a good friend of mine. I was working an easy job I enjoyed for the most part, mostly because it was easy. I didn't spend a moment alone all year. I was constantly partying with my friends or traveling or camping with them or going on adventures of some sort. I was a ball of manic, restless energy. Its weird to think about now because I've since retreated into my more introverted side in the last couple of years.
  13. thismoment

    thismoment Member

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    That would be around 1969. My wife and I got married that year. I was 2 years home from Vietnam (infantry). I was going to school some and getting high a lot - integrating war stuff. We're still married, both retired, doing well. I didn't graduate from college until I was about 30 and from grad school at about 35.
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  14. -Yggdrasil-

    -Yggdrasil- Einherjar

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    2010, my missus and I along with her sister and partner traveled through Europe en route to Oktoberfest in Munich. It had been a dream of mine to go to Europe and to visit the countries I felt I belonged to and it was just awesome. We went on some different adventures to most,skipped the bigger cities and found refuge in small villages and towns along the way through 5 countries in a VW motorhome. I'd do it again in a jiffy.
  15. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Waterville, Winslow, Benton
  16. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Year was 2005. I was married for two years at that point. No kids. Lived in a neighboring county to here... had a lot of fun that year but don't remember it much as the years ran together. Pretty sure that year I was going to a bunch of festivals and to the beach a lot and messed up a lot and just... those years running together.

    I think that was a good year but it's hard to say.
  17. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Other than it being four years ago, I can say a lot of the exact same things when comparing then to now.
  18. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    I went to school in Augusta in 1997. In 2001 I was in Brunswick. I was dating a girl who had a radio show on WERU that I gest co-hosted a few times that summer. Including the episode the Saturday after Sept. 11.

    Rev J
  19. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I had finished college and was living up in the mountains, managing a bookstore that had a hip vibe to it. I did a lot of mountain hikes in the summer and hung around local ski resorts in the winter. My apartment was close enough that I could walk to work. I didn't really have a plan for my life at that point, except to keep the good times going for as long as possible.

    Sometimes I miss the simplicity of that life and the natural beauty of that setting, but I do make a lot more money now, and enjoy some of the things a big city has to offer. I've also gotten married since then. No more hookups.
  20. tarotsailor

    tarotsailor Members

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    1986. Working a lot, chasing girls, never caught aanyone special. Ran away from home on a little 19' sailboat.

    In 2008 I did it again, for keeps, I guess. Got one a little bigger.
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