Where to get reliable overseas Viagra?

Discussion in 'Sexual Health' started by Doctor Dave, Jul 21, 2014.

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  1. Doctor Dave

    Doctor Dave Member

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    Viagra in the United States is too expensive, especially without insurance. Does anyone know where to get it overseas for cheaper? Does anyone know of a reliable online pharmacy?
  2. ozjohn39

    ozjohn39 Member

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    Ask Mr Google, LOTS of hits there.

    Mainly made in India, where most generics are made, and CHEAP, about $1.50 a tab.
  3. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    I think the key word is "reliable." Sure, Google will give hundreds of places that sell it, but what about quality, consistency, or even not getting completely ripped off by the business that advertises it?

    Like Doctor Dave, I'd like to find an extra-national source of cheap, Viagra or Cialis. I've had prescriptions for both. Not only are they expensive (even with just an insurance co-pay), but the bloody insurance companies (or at least mine) limit each refill to just five pills per months. Given that I'm 59 and suffer from ED, that doesn't provide much of a sex life.
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