Where the mexican cartels are getting their military grade weapons(doc)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by StellarCoon, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I've personally seen 2 men in Texas with Mexican plates on their truck offer a grocery bag full of cash for Ar-15's outside a gun show. Each men that went in was asked in a Spanish accent "you need to get rid of a gun man? We will pay you good". For some reason they can't go inside and will pay a premium. I wonder why. They went through a few bags. I stood there and watched. Men with stickers on their truck like "Obozo" took the offer. Likely paid more than the cost of a gun inside so Mr Oboo can have 3 or 4 new guns. I did not ask the cartel how much was in the bag.

    Odd to me Americans don't admit how our gun culture gives "bad guys" elsewhere guns. Go on the deep web too. Numerous American vendors will ship a gun anywhere in the world for the same reason. They can buy as many as they want for retail and no one cares. They then charge 10x the retail and people pay.

    It's something gun owners hate to admit. If gun laws actuly changed no one has guns. They wish for criminals to have them so they can. It's a trade they are willing to make. Our appetite for drugs and gun culture create the cartel's profits and abilty for war.

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