Where do you married guys find the time?

Discussion in 'Bi Sex Discussions' started by topper, Jan 23, 2024.

  1. topper

    topper Member

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    Where do you married guys find the time to fuck and suck dick? My wife can account for almost every min. when I not at home. Im fortunate, my wife is with the program and doesn't object, but she also likes to watch or know all about it.
  2. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Well, I'm retired now so all I have is time to suck dick; I tell the wife that I've found a victim and she says be safe, see you in a few.
    Racer51, FredBrice, KC69 and 2 others like this.
  3. BarefootBiGuy

    BarefootBiGuy Members

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    I guess I am lucky! My wife has no idea that I like to suck cock but I have been meeting up with a good mate for over 20 years. This has often been every few weeks / once a month to a longer time between meeting up. This was complicated for the 10 years up until Covid as I was working overseas most of the time. Currently it has been a while due to a whole bunch of factors out of mine or his control.

    She actually encourages it as I don't have a great circle of friends and tend to be involved with my work a lot. She even encourages that I stay over at his place as "it's better to stay there and come back in the morning if you have been drinking". Not that I would ever drive with alcohol in my system!

    It's a nice setup, nobody gets hurt and my mate and I enjoy our time together!
  4. topper

    topper Member

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    I guess I'm luckier. My wifes the one who got me into it. Women were off the menu, but she didn't care if I got a bj from a guy,her/our gay friend. Boating season is returning and so is my old buddy. This yr. he will be around for the entire summer and we expect to be engulfing each others cocks as often as possible. We have only tried anal once when we were both on viagra and had perpetual erections and didn't want to waste them
    Racer51, SisEmTg, dd788snipe and 3 others like this.
  5. LowHangers

    LowHangers Members

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    Find the time?
    The greatest thing about giving and getting blowjobs is how little time it really consumes. You can both be satisfied in as little as 20 minutes if you're really horny or you get consume an hour. Either way it's not consuming a whole lot of time. During my first marriage (she did not know) I just said I was heading out to run some errands. I returned home 60-90 minutes later having swallowed two or three loads of cum.
  6. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, it doesn't take a whole lot of time to suck a guy off and you can do it damned near anywhere!
  7. Bradsovt

    Bradsovt Members

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    It is very hard to find the time. For both me and my buddy, our wives do not know and are almost always aware of where we are.
  8. FriendlyCock

    FriendlyCock Members

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    When I went out to hook up with my cock sucking older friend I told her that's where I was going. She knew he sucked me off and when I ended up sucking another friend and him, I told her. She said she didn't really care what I did with these guys. When I hooked up with a gay guy she knew of it. I'd tell her when I was out in the evening to play with him. She assumed we were up each other's ass as well, which I said I wouldn't do, at the start but eventually I did him a few times. She assumed I preferred men but the thing is she was not/is not interested in sex at all, and she is OK with it. If it were not so we'd be divorced decades ago. I'd talk to her about what I did and why so she knew it was out of frustration. She understood. I haven't done it for 12 years but I need to do it again.
    Racer51, dd788snipe and Suburbanray like this.
  9. topper

    topper Member

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    NOWADAYS there are no secrets. With Cell Phones, "where is my Phone" apps and Apple tags , there is no privacy and you can be traced anywhere . I have learned that "Honesty is the Best Policy" . It has opened doors, that otherwise would have been left UNOPENED . Good thing is that if its a close buddy you hang with all of the time, it doesn't take much time for a quicky blowjob. My wife, and his, both agree that our attitudes and frustration levels have changed for the better. '.
  10. Cmlovr

    Cmlovr Members

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    Most of the married men I've given head to stopped by during lunch, and blowjobs don't take very long when I go for orgasm from the start.
    LowHangers likes this.
  11. thesantos29

    thesantos29 Pretty Hip

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    My wife doesn't know, so I can only play when I travel for work, which is pretty often.

    The trick is finding a playmate.
    ThoseBiUrges likes this.
  12. ThoseBiUrges

    ThoseBiUrges Members

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    My girlfriend doesn't know either..I don't do it often but when the urges get to the point where they demand attention, you make the time
    thesantos29 likes this.
  13. Slimflipper

    Slimflipper Members

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    When I was married I had about 2 hours to kill before she arrived home as our work schedules were offset. Few times a week I was able to meet up with a buddy and suck him off on my way home. Had time to stop by a local park and cruise which was hit and miss but had fun there too. The wife worked some Saturdays as well so that opened up a great opportunity enjoy man time. When I met up with my buddy there was a great anticipation leading up to me arriving and it normally took 15 to 20 minutes from start to swallowing. Think about it, 15 to 20 minutes can be killed getting gas and a coke at the corner store…
  14. FriendlyCock

    FriendlyCock Members

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    It's tough if your wife does not know and approve of it. My wife did because she has a problem with low libido and vaginismus. So her knowing and agreeing to you going out to a friends place solved the problem. It was my time by agreement. I'd even tell her how it went and she was always amazed at how long we sucked each other's cock for and the imaginative things we did. If only she'd agree to having someone we both liked over and she could suck each of us and watch etc.
    FredBrice and Racer51 like this.
  15. CaperRick69

    CaperRick69 Members

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    My wife doesn't know. She works Mon-Fri, my work schedule has me work some weekends with some weekdays off. Usually the problem is that I have a million things to do on my days off, but every now and then, things work out.
    Also, any meetups I've had never lasted more than 20-30 minutes. Daytime mutual oral, 69 usually speeds things up lol
    FredBrice and LowHangers like this.
  16. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You learn to take what you can get, when you can get it. If "find a guy and 69 with him" isn't on your list of million things to do when you're off, um, ya might want to see if you can rearrange some stuff so that it's on the list and you can be in a position to take advantage of situations that may show up. I might add that if you're not of a mind to be an opportunist, you might want to rethink that stance because good dick is where you find it - and you can find it in the most unexpected places and times and if you're not ready, well, better learn how to be ready. Make your own luck. That's how a lot of us find the time... by making the time for it.
    FredBrice likes this.
  17. paulhuk

    paulhuk Members

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    I work away a lot but work from home when in the country so that gives opportunities for having fun. Here it’s mostly prostitutes but when I’m abroad usually adult cinemas or gay clubs and gloryholes. Would love to have a regular thing but that would be difficult.
    FredBrice likes this.

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