When you prefer masturbating to sex

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by hornyjohn, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. hornyjohn

    hornyjohn Member

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    Just wondering if there is anyone else out there that enjoys masturbating more than they do having sex? Please explain why.

    I personally enjoy both sex with my wife and masturbating. But there is something about getting myself off that I really enjoy. For me its the boredom of doing the same thing with the same person that diminishes my enjoyment sometimes. Don't get me wrong I like fucking her, but I masturbate a lot more than I fuck. I love the variety of fantasy and content of seeing naughty things online. And I know exactly how to make myself feel really good.

    Anyone else feel this way?
  2. JimInPhila

    JimInPhila Member

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    I'm with you on that one, John. Don't have to "wine and dine," or take a shower and brush your teeth. We're the only ones that know how to hit the exact right spots on us. No performance anxiety, we never do it too fast or too slow. It's cool if we take 3 minutes or an hour. Either one is just what we want and always feels great. No running to the bathroom immediately to clean up. We can wipe our loads up when ever we get around to it.
    Yeah, John, you're not the only one.
  3. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    This post went in a different direction than I had expected and merits two different answers:

    a) sex is no substitute for masturbation; I find the latter just as important. Funny enough, I like masturbating soon after I've had sex...to sort of reconnect with my own body;

    b) fantasy and variety are also essential. Unfortunately, when I was monogamous, masturbation wasn't enough to satisfy those needs and I increasingly lost interest in sex. Now, I'm in an open relationship and the variety makes sex with my current partner way hotter.
  4. hornyjohn

    hornyjohn Member

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    I agree with you Cherea. There is no substitute for either one. Sex, when its new, hot or varied is incredible. If its old, stale and repetitive it quickly looses its appeal. I think an open relationship would award some wonderful experiences for both of you. If jealousy can be cast aside then I can totally see it building a stronger bond between you. Because I find that most of the relationship issues, at least from my experience, stem from sex or a lack thereof. I dont desire as much sex from my wife because im bored with it to some degree. If there was variety I would be excited for it. And thats where masturbating comes in to fullfill all those deep down dirty desires that only I know about.
  5. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    Speaking from the male perspective, I find them to be entirely different experiences in many ways, over & above the obvious.

    Masturbation gives a far more intense reaction, as it is entirely self inflicted & under your own control from beginning to end, knowing precisely what stroke, pressure & pace is required, to an accuracy level that no-one else could possibly comprehend, as this not only changes from person to person, but from session to session.

    When having sex, although the neural stimulation points may be identical, the pace & the angle of penetration are mainly all you have control over. You have no control over pressure, as that is entirely down to the tightness / lubricating fluids of your partner. Even then, for best results the pace & angle of penetration isn't necessarily entirely under your own control, as you will need to react to your partner's needs as well.

    Overall, masturbation results in a far more intense reaction when simply viewed from the physical aspect, but the act of actually having sex & sharing the experience with a partner brings about an entirely different sensation.
  6. rathercurious

    rathercurious Guest

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    i personally masturbate a lot, my first time was so bad and made me so uncomfortable even after we tried again later. I stopped having sex and never spoke to him again and haven't had sex since and i was 15 then. So i personally prefer masturbation because i can take my time and i can do it how i like without the worry of being humiliated and hurt but that's just me and my experience. I'm personally a masturbation fan though if i ever find someone that will make me feel safe and comfortable i will make sure to add masturbation into the relationship as a very frequent thing.
  7. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    Just because your first experience was not a good one, that doesn't necessarily mean that others in the future won't be. After all, at 15 your body would still have been under developed as you (and quite possibly your partner as well) would have been inexperienced. Everyone only gets to lose their virginity once, but no-one can be expected to be an expert from the start - especially if both parties are virgins.

    Basically, don't be put off by one bad experience. Of course, that's not to discourage further experience & exploration of masturbatory techniques.
  8. cabo

    cabo Guest

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    I think that regular sex is good for the relationship, but I definitely prefer masturbation to it. Sometimes sex with my wife is great and sometimes it's just so-so. Masturbation has always been great.
  9. BottleFED

    BottleFED Member

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    While men certainly seem to need the visual stimulation(I can't possibly be the only one), every woman I've watched masturbate to orgasm, used nothing more than a finger and her memories or imagination and I'm seriously jealous of that capability. Having said that, when perusing porn on the net, I've found that viewing nude women online, I tend to be attracted to only those, who if put in a real life situation with me, I would realistically have a chance to have sex with. IDK, is that weird? I have a healthy desire for younger women(yes the legal kind) Yet I cannot finish while looking at and thinking of having sex with most, but if i throw a pic of a women 35-50ish, BAM, End game! Amateur is all I'd ever consider looking at for doing my own thing!
  10. nooneleft

    nooneleft Member

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    Women confuse the fuck out of me so much, that my paws are looking sexier all the time!:sifone:
  11. T.C.

    T.C. Member

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    This topic is very interesting, cause I also think about this confrontation.
    I think that masturbation is more intimate, you do it as you prefer and you could control the duration better than sex.
    On the other hand, sex is wonderful because you share with your love everything. It's something you should do when you feel right. Unfortunately your partner is not always of the best mood for make it last as you want (sometimes my girl says: "it's beginning to hurt" - during the best moment!!!)

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  12. irvineca

    irvineca Guest

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    I think it's easier for women than for men to prefer masturbating over sex. I mean, women can always use dildos that are much larger than a human penis, which would feel a lot better since they'd be getting stretched out more.
  13. T.C.

    T.C. Member

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    They can choose the right measure! :D

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  14. kurona

    kurona Member

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    when the partner just sucks at it so bad... and makes me feel rage instead

    other than that... thing is i dont think masturbation can satiate my needs coz its not a physical for me... its the emotion that i harvest from it
  15. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    I always prefer sex than masturbation, but when I can't get it, I'll masturbate. Even when sex doesn't end up in an orgasm for me, it is still better than masturbating.

    It's because of how it feels to have my body touched by a man, instead of myself. When I caress myself, it doesn't feel the same as a man doing it. It feels a lot less nice.

    Perhaps it's because I'm not good at masturbating. I don't know. I wish I'd prefer masturbation.

    Perhaps the difference is that you can be perfectly happy with stimulation only on the penis, whereas I like a lot stimulation in other parts of my body than just the vagina area. If it was just a clit thing, yeah, sure, nobody does it better than myself.
  16. terracotta27

    terracotta27 Member

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    I much prefer the intimacy of sex with another person, the unknown as to how and where and when. Masturbation is a bit like batting practice = great feeling to be whacking those balls in practice but so much more satisfying in a game.
  17. Jazzman

    Jazzman Member

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    We've BOTH felt like that, both before and after we were married, and that preference hasn't changed in over 40 years. We enjoyed ringing our own doorbells before tying the knot, and neither of us had any intention of abandoning our solo activities. Each kind of sexual pleasure is unique in its own way, and we like variety in our lives. Masturbation was never a "lesser form" of pleasure than intercourse or oral. All were of equal value and desire.

    It's less of a matter of choosing masturbation "instead" of something else. We Jack and Jill (in private and together) because that's what we want at that point in time.
  18. KingWilly

    KingWilly Member

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    I'll always take my wife over masturbating, because even after if I still have something left in the tank I can go masturbate after anyway.

    That said the rare exceptions are if either she's sick or very tired and only wanting to roll over and give me the "1 minute quickie" but I wouldn't say I prefer masturbation vs. sex, it's just I don't want to treat her like a log or piece of meat just to get my rocks off. The only other exception would be if she's pissed me off and I don't want anything to do with her at the time, but in that situation it's not like she's got an "Open" sign up anyway, so...

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