on asphalt that works pretty well. a seaside village here for some reason has the most abrasive pavement ever found, it feels like millions of tiny knives points up and when it rains it will strip soles white. with sun instead it becomes hot like the surface of Venus. still prefer mud though
Yah fuck as I get older (hey, we ALL get older fuck you), I find my soles tend to get tenderer (more tenderer??) earlier in my walks. Is that an aging thang or am I doomed to give up (NO NO NO) barefooting???
I actually enjoy walking barefoot in the rain on the black asphalt or tarmac as I'd say feels nice and a massage for my soles. Plus it cleans them.
You and me has got to discuss this disgusting development! As Chester Riley used to say, “What a revoltin’ development this is!”
Yep we sure do! No, not noticed that at all. If anything they stay tougher for longer. Think you've answered your own question: NO NO NO!! The law won't allow it!
I'm 66 and still go barefoot...although I haven't hiked the Rocky Mountains lately. I think as we get older, we slack off maybe? So our callouses aren't as tough. Easy does it, though.
Yeh, it's only 45 and drizzling, but a barefoot walk on rainy sidewalks is still worthwhile. BUT... As Mom always said, wear a jacket!