Hello there again. I am going to put 5 Gods Gift plants into my bloom room in an attempt to determine the sex of each plant. { grown from seed }. Once the plants are in the bloom room how long can it take to find out the sex of the plants. I will compost the boys, clone the girls and keep the strongest girl as a mother for as long as possible. This is a big jump for me as I have never taken the growing process this far. If I can do all of this right I am going to go from two little 4 x 8 rooms to a 20 x 30 room. This a giant step for this girl, not to mention a chunk of cash for the setup. Like they said on the farm, you can't ride the horse if your'e sittin on the fence.
You will want to check the pre-flowers for signs of maleness or femaleness this is done as soon as you drop the lights off of an hour 18 hour veg-growth.
Watch out for pollen sachs. Males will gradually exhibit balls instead of pistils. It's not that difficult to differentiating hairs or pistils from ball sachs. Just vbe able to identify them early on.