When the Music's over.....

Discussion in 'U.K. Politics' started by WOLF ANGEL, Dec 13, 2019.


    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    So, the hustle and bustle of election is now dying down, and for the foreseeable future the Government will be one run by the business focused desire of 'Me over We'.

    With a landslide margin Johnson has; as did Thatcher, a clear mandate to drive home policies that put 'The Country' first. Though in truth the Country is Britain for the Tory party, is in off-shore banking and foreign partnerships.
    As one who remembers those days, one cannot help but recall with melancholy muse, the facts of the day when akin to dictatorial rule the phraseology of "Cuts, low wages and difficulties are hard, but it's only like medicine, it tastes nasty but you need to take it for to get better" saw despair, heartache and … worse!

    Whilst I held little confidence in a Labour victory, I did hope that the margin would be much, much closer, and a tactical alliance a viable option.
    For all the talk of an 'Opportunity to change' one has to look at doing so in a Strategic and not bull-headed and ill-conceived manner.

    There could be no doubt that Corbyns initial leadership win was just what the Party needed , and that those in the Party to be shaken from complacency.
    But rather than stir into action advocates with decisive conviction and conscience, willing to orate with articulate oration and creditable alternative policies, too many have either kept quite, jumped ship or hidden away in the (cosy- it's nothing to do with me) shadows
    Those at the top have not inspired voters all around the Country with Confidence and a New direction is needed but, -W here are those Youthful Champions of just cause? those with the drive to pick up the Red Flag from the ground of defeat, and make a new charge of and for change? I see them, not!

    The real threat of Privatisation and economic focus is upon us, and I fear for all Public services and that Hospitals, Police/Fire Stations and Schools will soon see it "time, to turn out the light'
    Eric! and Balbus like this.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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  3. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    I think Nicola did well for the SNP .The SNP have what Labour lacked and needed for this election a leader who is likeable and has a backbone to stand up for what they believe in .

    A decent leader and a clear mandate on Brexit the result could have been much closer .Labour haven't learned their lesson from when they appointed Michael Foot as leader to take on Margaret Thatcher.

    Labour have now 4 or 5 years to get things right. I am sure as night follows day ,the former Labour supporters will return as Brexit will no longer be an issue, as it was in this election .
    Balbus and WOLF ANGEL like this.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    The SNP have been strong in conviction and Sturgeon although not everybody's cup of tea, is a Leader with forthright and consistent views.
    They have now taken over the mantle that Labour promoted and promised for the working people and remain committed to their Country's cause.
    Sadly, Scotland only goes so far South, so the North (of England) has to hope that 'the peoples party' get their act together before the next election, identify clear and practical policies that balance up service provision with good economical sense,
    With a leader who displays restraint in the delivery of their message/s, engages on different levels of society with an understanding of wants, needs, values and respect, and is a creditable figure on the World stage this could happen.
    Time will tell
    Mysteron likes this.
  6. I really don't think that a new leader of the Labour party is going to change anything. This new government has a mandate for the next 5 years or so and I cannot bear to think what is going to happen in this time. I also fear for all public services as well as living standards, job security and I know that the wellbeing of the population in general will be way down the list of this Government's "things to do" list! Life as we know it will never be the same again I'm afraid.
    I live in Scotland and our only hope is to fight for a referendum either sanctioned or not and show that fucking charlatan in number 10 that we will not lay down quietly!
    Balbus and WOLF ANGEL like this.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Labour needs to balance Old style Philosophies that are adaptive to the days in which we live in now.
    Remaining Strong to its principles, but tempering this with a degree of flexibility in order to persuade the electorate of its competency to govern with financial restraint, whilst providing a quality of service to both the Public, and Public service workers.
    "and there lies the rub".
    A Leader may inspire creative thinking in order to develop the principles to be attractive to both business and individuals to embrace, support and engage in activism - but - Who, and where they are "indeed 'the question/s".
    "Keep the faith" - I really do think it'll only be a matter of time (with perhaps a legal challenge in the Courts to kick start the process?)
    Although, maybe restoration of that Roman wall you have up there would help?
    There's an American chappie (plays a bit of Golf in Turnberry) who has a bit of cash they may wish to invest - he's also a fan of walls = 'Just a thought' :)
    etherea likes this.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Not before time = "I'm sorry that we came up short and I take my responsibility for it." - Corbyn
    Corbyn 'sorry' over Labour's heavy election defeat
    The task now seems to be two-fold:-
    (i) Selection of the Correct Leader
    (ii) Deciding on the Correct Philosophies and Policies
    in order to Progress

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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  10. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    The Labour party existed for the working classes for the people of its own country, to figure out ways for a better well-being of its own citizens.
    Then introduce what would become the EU, and with it came the free movement of people laws (and other laws intertwined with the EU, NATO and others) . With it basically meant that it would drive down labour wages whilst increasing profits for the investors (and so make more people poorer (as per renowned capitalism)), and soon after if those working classes dare retaliate to it in any way shape or form then they would be classed as racist and ultimately a uneducated / Nazi as per today's left-wing slang definition.
    Nowadays, ultimately, are the Labour party who just seems to be a vote for the people who suck up to the benefits system, and not for the poorest of society.
    Globalism, both culturally and economically is no where near what some people perceive or want it to be. Most of the world is poor, extremely poor, and while we have people like rich celebrities telling people how they would vote (or else you're racist etc!) then no wonder the likes of the worlds richest/advanced nations are starting to get pissed off with it all, especially coming from capitalist based civilisations that are trying so hard to pick up the slack not only from its own slackers of society but also trying to help people from other countries... etc but we are not allowed to think this way or else we're evil, racist, xenophobe bigots.
    WOLF ANGEL likes this.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Nice observational view Kristie although I don't think it's altogether appeals to people who suck up to the benefits system, they are fundamentally the Party of the people, it's just that a lot of the crew that on board the ship that are questionable.
    There are however genuine cases of conscience and compassionate people who forever believe in it's founding principles.
    I'm very much a person who views actions above words and know/have known individuals who put the needs of the many above those of the one, and you're right to point out, that ones considered conviction is often criticised for being "Non-PC" - in most; albeit not all, cases it's an attempt to cover up truth.
    What the ship needs now is a strong, principled captain who leads with inspiration.
    Hopefully, at the end of this process, there will be someone who can offer a creditable alternative to the journey that we are now embarking on
  12. Kirstie

    Kirstie Members

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    I feel really 100% exactly how you do about this. But, because of global warming, and countries like China and Russia couldn't care less about our worries, then nature will wipe us all out, and if nature doesn't wipe us out then nukes will.
    Our combined-generations lost it when we stopped losing interest in space science/tech/exploration. Our planet is a ticking time bomb for our species, yet all we do these days is talk about how the most powerful leader in the world used to touch up gold diggers vagina's, and be offended by those gold diggers willingness to get knocked up... said no woman ever in human history.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes Mother Nature will; like a women scorned, reap with deadly fury appropriate revenge those who .
    Global warming is the stick that pokes the Hornets nest
  14. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Sorry that is a very strange and Brexity way of seeing things – I would have to point out that the UK opted out of the Schengen Agreement so we never had ‘freedom of movement’ and there is little proof that the migration that has taken place over the years form outside and inside of the EU has driven down wages.

    The fact is that the reason why wages have been kept low is due to neoliberal policies pursued by UK governments not outside forces. Take for example the UK allowing such things as zero hour contracts that do drive down wages these are banned in many other EU countries.

    It’s a con put about by right wing pundits and media to blame migrants and the EU for the problems people face in this country that are really due to right wing UK policies.

    It is also a right wing ploy to tell those people that fall for the con and repeat it that ‘lefties’ will see them as racists.

    What does that mean who is sucking up to the benefits system? Again that seems like a headline form the Sun or Daily Mail – the first owned by the billionaire Murdoch and the other by the non-tax paying non-dom the 4th Viscount Rothermere.

    So again this seems like right wing media smears of any ‘leftie’ that they don’t really care about the poor so people should vote for right wing Tories because they do care about poor people and that is why after years of Tory rule we now have more food banks than we do McDonalds

    Again what are you talking about?

    Who are the ‘slackers’?

    In what way are ‘capitalist based civilisations’ trying to help and in what way?
  15. Saw on my national news here in australia that your new PM was playing with his phone whilst in parliament...
  16. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Because, as those of us that have a particular interest in politics, have been telling everybody, he's a Richard Cranium !!!
    SuzanneAU1977 likes this.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    SuzanneAU1977 likes this.
  18. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    We got the best leader out of a Poor Bunch and I believe it will work out fine for the country ! Labour will find it hard to recover from not only this defeat but from the stranglehold of the militants and Momentum ! (they may never ! )

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    "And from the ashes, a Phoenix will rise"
    (well that's the theory)
    SuzanneAU1977 likes this.
  20. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    When the music's over
    When the music's over, yeah
    When the music's over
    Turn out the lights
    Turn out the lights
    Turn out the lights
    SuzanneAU1977 likes this.

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