When my family wants to send me to rehab for pot...

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Desos, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    so what am I supposed to say when my family wants to send me to rehab for smoking pot?

    I have always been pretty responsible with my drug use. I smoke weed every day, and every once in a blue moon i'll take some lsd or mdma, and occasionally i'll get like a gram of coke for the night or something.

    i really don't think this is out of control. I have friends that went to rehab for heroine addiction. I think that this is the kind of addiction that rehab is good for. but for pot? no...

    all of my friends that have been through rehab and even our friends that watched my friends go through rehab agree that I am a bit of a pot head but i don't have serious drug problems. I don't want to quit smoking, but it isn't destroying my life either.

    so what am I supposed to tell them? seriously i am getting so tired of this pressure.

    several years ago my family went through something similar to this, and tried to send me to rehab for real. still several years later they have not apologized for trying to send me to rehab and are still persistent in the idea even. how can i convince them to stop judging me for smoking pot and trying to send me to rehab?
  2. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Tell them you aren't going and stand your ground. I mean.....if you're paying your own bills and doing your thing...who are they to say you have to go?
  3. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    really what I'd like is for them to accept my drug use.

    it hinders our relationships when our family conversation turns into about how i need to go to rehab for my reefer addiction.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    eh go to rehab and get some drug edumacation. draw some pictures of mad, happy sad you, hold hands in circles with people, drink juice, smoke cigarettes, start off the end of group with a big loud obnxious GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY.. or go the OUR FATHER route, find the chick that into you and get some head, fuck with staff by rolling fake joint out of toilet paper and leave them laying around, chop your coffee creamer into lines before putting it in your coffee.. if you go the mental route, pretend to talk on your invisible cell phone to drug cartels in Bogota Columbia, more convincible if you know spanish.. ;)
  5. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I don't do any drugs any more but back when I was a lot younger and only married for a couple of years to my ex I used to smoke almost everyday (never in front of anyone who wasn't cool with it).

    My MIL made a few comments once in a while and finally she and I were driving in a car by ourselves and she made some comment like she thought I was selling or whatever. I said something like....look..you know that I'm a good dude. I'm not involved with anything like that anymore. I work a good job everyday. I pay my bills on time. I'm a good husband and father and I give your daughter and grandson a fairly nice lifestyle. I also like to occasionally unwind with friends in private and smoke a little pot. So how about as long as I'm doing all of those other things....you let the pot thing go...unless it somehow starts getting in the way of my responsibilities? Then you can lay into me for it all you want.

    Shockingly...she thought it over for a minute and said she could live with that. And she really didn't give me much shit after that.
  6. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I went through something similar with my mother. She is a nurse and was convinced I was a hardcore junkie. Now I openly talk about smoking in front of her and she has learned to deal with it (living in Colorado helps). It was hard for me because she would literally be in tears about the whole thing. But I think she has learned a little more about what is now. All you can do is show them the facts proving it is safe and harmless. Point out that what we are doing in Colorado is working.

    No one can force you to go to rehab. If you are facing charges a judge can say "go to rehab for a lesser charge" but if you are over 18 you make that call. Anti-pot people love to point to the statistics and say so many people are in rehab for weed. That is because they get caught and take the judge's offer. Pretending you are an addict is better then being pounded in the ass in prison for a peaceful stoner. Very few of those people really think they have an addiction that affects their life.
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I'd go to rehab just for a tolerance break then blaze up and be real fucked up.
  8. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    no seriously when I smoke pot it means that I have addiction problems, also that I am self-medicating using it instead of taking antidepressants.

    so because I smoke pot, I am being accused of being an addict and mentally ill, from my family! people that are supposed to understand me.

    how am I supposed to explain that I am not an addict and that I am not using marijuana for self-medication and that I do not suffer from mental illness?

    you know you are right, in a lot of states it is already legal.

    the worst part is, that I showed up at my mom's house without notice the other week, and I walked in on her blazing up. either she had just put it out when I walked in or had JUST finished smoking, because it reeked.

    so yea besides the hypocrisy, she still manages to hold the views she does about my drug use.

    several of my best friends have gone to rehab for heroine addiction. I am not a fucking addict like that.
  9. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    So she would rather you use pharmaceuticals which have much worse withdrawals and side effects then weed when she smokes herself? That really is the pot calling the kettle black. I guess she trusts a doctor's opinion over your own. But what she probably does not realize is that the pharmaceutical lobby is a dirty business. From day one of medical school they pimp themselves out to doctors. You see the commercials telling people to "ask their doctor" about the new medication.

    They send pretty women in short skirts to the doctor's office to suggest they prescribe their drug over the competition. They buy the whole office lunch. Growing up every pen in the house had some drug name on it. Towels, flyers, all kinds of shit advertising it. So point is they are drug dealers too. And in their line of work it's cheaper to let a bad drug go to market, make a profit, and then pay law suites later rather then put a decent drug out. Also after a few years their copyright on the drug expires so everyone can manufacture it. This is the "generic" version that many people have to settle for with their insurance but it cuts into their profits. They need a new drug, one which probably has more side effects.

    There is no money in weed because they can not hold a patent on a plant like they can on a drug made in a lab like Oxy or Xanax. So they are not really interested in the idea that weed is good medicine.
  10. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    I was court ordered to go to a rehab when I was 17 and I remember meeting so many younug kids from the suburbs who had been forced into rehab by their parents for smoking pot (albeit somewhat excessively).

    That place taught them that
    (a) they were junkies
    (b) they would never change (they had a "disease", a la AA)
    (c) their habits would get worse after they leave
    (d) they had to feel guilt

    Basically they introduced the stoners to the feelings that cause people to pursue hard drug addictions, and they introduced them to the hard drug "scene". These kids would meet people like me (and the couple other serious drug users who were there) and then they would get out, go meet up with them or their friends, and start using real shit.

    I'd say about half of the kids I met in rehab are addicted to some sort of opiate now, or at least daily ketamine use.

    These programs have a negative success rate.
  11. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    yea true. I remember talking to one of my friends that got sent to rehab at about 16 or 17 and she said that before she wasn't into hard drugs but the people she met in rehab gave her the connections she needed to fuel a hard drug addiction.

    obviously pot is not on the same level as heroine or otherwise medical heroine would be starting to become legal too. so why does our society teach people that it is right to throw the pot heads in with the junkies?
  12. Sitka

    Sitka viajera

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    You could always just quit smoking weed. I mean why do your parents even know unless you live with them?
  13. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    jeez, rehab, for smoking weed? that's really silly, ridiculous, dumb. seriously? i can't believe it's even a thing. toke on, fuck 'em.
  14. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    that all sounds horrible, it makes me sad.
  15. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    it is all a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. the war on drugs finances anti-drug propaganda, parents freak out and send their kids to rehab or they are sent there by the court when caught with a small amount of weed. then the anti-drug people can point to the fact that more and more people are going to rehab for marijuana, so it must be a serious problem and therefore they need more money to fight it.

    meanwhile, they are basically sending innocent kids to drug addict school.

    either that, or people spend time in jail for possession or for selling a dime bag, and learn how to be criminals.
  16. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    yes, people going to rehab for weed is ridiculous.

    maybe instead of NA they should have something like AA. Weed Anonymous. WA.

    then everyone can sit around and talk about how fucking stupid they are for thinking they have a problem because they smoke pot.

    but i don't want to stop smoking. they know because they ask me if I still smoke frequently and then drill me about lieing.
  17. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    yeah. and then everyone can forget that they're in WA and toke up....
    seriously, i don't like those Anon groups.... either quit or don't.... if you wanna quit, quit, if not, shut up and drink up....
  18. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Ahahaha. I always kinda liked rehab... lol. :) A vacation of sorts.. neways fun times.
  19. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    i'd rather take a vacation at a place that people take vacations. like a music festival, or the beach.

    though i understand what you mean.
  20. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Haha. Of course. :) Me too, lol!

    But the times I had to go I ended up having fun... looking at it with a positive attitude and all. And I did mean that it felt like a vacation because with having a busy life having that time to yourself ends up feeling like a vacay w the right attitude.

    Anyways man... my mom tried to make me go to rehab when I was 18 for pot and acid. It was just a bad situation w her... she didn't get things at all. Considering I didn't even do either one of them all the time and at that point I hadn't done anything else I was not going...ended up moving out of her house about it. But that was for the best anyways... my mom is someone that I get along w best when I don't live with her or see her all the time... haha.

    And yea as much as I have seen a person or two in rehab for pot they really don't need to go there. (we always kinda laughed at that..having to go to rehab for pot.) (And believe it or not.... this is very crazy because people smoke a TON of cigs in rehab!.... I actually saw someone that went to rehab for CIGS. Da fuq? That is the LAST place I ever would have gone to stop smoking cigs, lol!) Anyways.... Around here most people are there for either alcohol, heroin/opiates or crack. It's just not obviously the same thing.

    Anyways you don't live with your parents do you know? Or do you? Trying to figure out how much it matters what your parents think you should do.

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