No new flavors under the sun. Its all been done. Haven't heard of anything interesting in a long time. It only gets more pretentious or absurd. Sad.
the only thing we've "reached" is a self importance that arrests further development. the very thing, the only thing, that growing up, is really about growing out of.
Fair. Though I don't live in an area where I have many options to choose from. I can only get mainstream "craft beer" at the liquor store. Some have been okay enough but not really boundary pushing.
no interest in bheer myself, but i do love the diversity of individuals crafting as much as they can for themselves. which of course isn't the same as calling something "crafted" to sell it. which unfortunately, yah, anything gets popular, its only a matter of time before that happens. which is why, if you only look at super markets, even big stores that pretend to be alternative, then of course you will see little else then repitition. if you go to the super discounted odd little ones, you find the sometimes buy out lines that were attempts to popularize seemingly odd things, and so that's a role of the dice, but sometimes you find interesting things that are new to you, better yet, if you can afford to travel, (or can leave enough behind to travel light enough to afford to anyway) well again there are risks, but so i've heard, try the street food in places you didn't know there were places.
I can see where you're coming from--we're getting a little desperate. I think I actually saw Sour Patch Kids cereal the other day. What the what?