When a woman's beauty stuns you.......

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by iamjustme, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    Didn't know really where to put this post...so it is here.

    Anyway...today I was walking out of the store and approaching me was a young woman, probably early 20's... and my God this woman was beautiful. I know I paused my steps, unable to look away. Long auburn hair, slender but shapely, fairly tight colored shorts and a pretty summer top. She is drop dead gorgeous. She looked up at me, aware that I was looking at her but smiled...just a soft smile.
    I am old enough to be her father, better looking than most men my age for sure...but still I am not so foolish as to think for 1 second there was interest there...I like to think she simply appreciated the compliment.
    This was about 4 hours ago. and I can't get her out of me head. Oh to be young.
  2. tkm954

    tkm954 sub

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    It's funny how the mind works ain't it.To be fair though,their are lot of drop dead gorgeous women over fiffty as well.
  3. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    For sure. My wife is actually pretty attractive. We were staying at a hotel a few weeks ago, having breakfast when she went to get a couple waters for the road... I noticed pretty much every dude there watched her walk by when she returned.
    It's funny how women seem oblivious to this...how could you not see all these people looking at you?

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