My Dear Departed Mother Frequently Said That The Reason The Lord Created Me Was To Create As Much Mayhem In This World As Possible...... Mother Was Correct...... Cheers Glen.
To help my son more then the help I received growing up. I feel to better change the world, we need to better ourselves and in turn our future, generationally; to which he is.
Life is a highway, I'm gonna drive my car off a cliff. Nah, I'm stuck in a ditch somewhere. You could have it all, my empire of dirt. I will let you down, but the bank will make you hurt.
to be harmlessly enjoyed by creating and exploring. purpose is not required. causing no harm is both more important and ultimately more rewarding.
Causing no harm. Very important. How crazy it is to think how every little thing we do has the power to create harm in some way in this crazy world we live in. Even the coffee I think how some poor farmer somewhere is slaving away just so I can drink it. At least I gave up kratom and cannabis (illegal here so harm is involved.) but I have a long way to go and I can't do it alone. Just talked to a very wise man about the Tao and how there can be no positive without negative and I've contemplated this before...b ut how to harmlessly sisperse the negative becomes the have my coffee and drink it to so to speak
I believe we are here to experience life. For all the good and the bad---we are here to experience it. Some people waste their lives away never really experiencing all life has to offer. Most people do not realize the freedom they have to experience life. The one caveat is that we are responsible for our own choices. You have no one to blame for what happens to you, except yourself. But the bad things are just as inevitable as the good. Jung believed that we had an innate drive towards individuation----the development of the individual self. I agree, therefore this is our secondary purpose. Social, cultural, and political forces may distort this, as can our own beliefs and choices. But we learn through our mistakes, we grow through challenging ourselves, we develop through facing our true selves (and anyone who thinks they are so perfect, or good that facing their own true self---subconscious and all----then you have no idea who you really are).
I suppose an overly literal response to this question would be to maintain enough sustenance and nourishment to continue living. I assume you mean purpose in a more abstract sense as to where desires and motivations lay. In that sense, I'd say love and creativity have been integral qualities of life that have given me purpose.
You just induced many guys to consider their life purpose as to get Ashalicious in their bed. I know because I read your post and... well, never mind...