What is your favourite thing about masturbation? It has probably been asked, but oh well. For me, it is something that I can do on my own, or I can share it (with my wife, when willing). It can't be taken away from me. I mean, if I got sent to prison, I could still masturbate. I look forward to a nice wank lol. It feels great! If I was told I could never masturbate again, I think I would be quite distraught.
It feels good. i can do it when and where I want. I don't have to sleep on a wet-spot! A Woody Allen said, "You're having sex with someone who loves you!"
My favorite thing about masturbation is looking in a mirror afterwards & seeing my face covered in cum.
My favorite thing is I can make it last as long or as quick as I want and not have to worry about anything other than just having fun.
Besides the pleasure and the orgasm, the communication online with total strangers is pretty exciting, having a masturbatory relationship with people who post a lot of photo's or the more instant communication with girls live on various cam sites, sharing masturbation can be amazing !
Not sure what my favorite part is but, you can do it alone or with someone, pretty much any time, its free, its feels good and there is a big reward at the end. if you have time you can have many rewards
That is it for me as well. I guess I have always had an interest in how to make myself feel good and also see where my imagination can "safely" take me. A journey of self-exploration is an excellent description...
It's safe.....has no time limits.....you can fit it when when you feel like it.....the look on hubby's face when I masturbate for him.....it relaxes me.....it relieves cramps....need I go on?
Very few of my women have ever wanted me to watch them masturbate, but many have enjoyed watching me get off. Hmm. They have always wanted me to pleasure them. Maybe I do something right?