Just for fun.. What's your favorite smell? I love the smell of gasoline..I could sniff it all day (not that I do ) Also. I enjoy the smell of sex on my body.. Never gets old. It keeps me going & going & going What smell or smells do you like or enjoy? Anything that triggers a special memory? Or makes you think of a special someone... For me Polo Blue..the smell gives me chills. I love it. It reminds me of my husband. I could bathe in that stuff.
The smell of a freshly Fired shotgun Shell That's always been my Favorite Smell for as long as I can remember
i agree with Mally...the smell of gunpowder is great also i really like the smell tobacco ...until its lit ...then i dont like it....same with nag champa sticks...i buy them but just leave them around i only like the regular scent and not the lit scent
^unlit nag champa is the best Lavender. I spray lavender essential oil on my pillow every night I like smelling smoke from chimneys in the winter Certain scents i catch in the spring from all the new blooms
I am making myself nauseous, sitting here thinking about all of the smells I enjoy. I don't have a favorite. Maybe the smell of really fresh, crisp air????? If I could change myself to not have such a sensitive sense of smell on me, then I would, in a heartbeat.
I can't pick a favorite, but here's a couple from the top of the list. My girlfriends neck The smell of a fireplace burning in winter air Our garden in springtime The smell that leaded hi-octane fuel makes passing through a high compression/high performance motor
cut grass after a summer rain.. (basically the grass is screaming out bloody murder in the form of a scent.
I love each of the scents that come from the changing seasons. I recall last winter when I caught the first essence of spring on a cool breeze. Or in late August when the marks of fall begin to perfume the air, and you just catch the fleeting scent of what is to come. It makes you feel a certain way, and I like that.
pine needles and mint, conifer forest. yes with all sorts of undertones mixed in with it. some less wonderful then others. but even a dead skunk smells better then the mix of tobacco smoke and automobile exaust. and yah, i've smelled plenty of roadkilled skunks. there are other good smells of course, raw pastrie dough, for example. lots of cooking smells are ok too.
The smell of Hamburgers cooking on the grill The smell of Bacon cooking in the oven I enjoy my wife's choices of perfume/scents. Smelling them drives me crazy, and she knows it does. It makes me think of a special some...thing to do to her.
There can be only one answer to that admission...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRp7tYWnJJs Hotwater
Pot really? I can’t stand that smell and now that’s its legal here in Massachusetts that all you smell wherever you go Hotwater
I haven't smoked weed in almost 3 years but I still love the smell. Good weed tho not the shitty headache inducing kind. It kind of reminds me of my dad.