I was on another site talking about how fucked up it is that people are trying to sue priests & ministers for discrimination for refusing to preform christian ceremonies at gay weddings & I'll be damned if they didn't ban me for having an opinion. It's not like I was making a hate speech, I was just saying it's wrong to try & force someone to do something that's against there religion.
And where, exactly, is this nasty bit of business going on? Got a link? Because it's my understanding that no church is required to perform a same-sex marriage if it is against their doctrine. Some churches are choosing to perform them, but none are forced to.
Unfortunately there are many people on the left who have broadened the definition of hate speech to mean anything that offends them. And they are offended by anything that they disagree with.
Wrong or not about the law suits, it wasn't wrong that those on that forum banned you, they wanted nothing to do with you and your opinion. As for the law suits themselves, they are understandable for those who're fighting for the cause to make it so that no law can distinguish between hetero and homosexual relationships. As long as religions are tax exempt, they must hold to a standard of decency in conduct. What such decency entails is where the debate lies. Personally, I don't see how it's indecent to distinguish between such relationships.
This is how it's been since the term "hate speech" was first made common. There never was any consistent ideology behind what should constitute "hate speech". The only thing that has been changing is the number of people in accord with various claims to offense.
Me getting banned was a long time coming, I've spoken out against Ganster Rap & The Thug Culture, Pro-Choice Feminists, Radical Islam, The Government & many other wicked evil things but political correctness has turned America into Sodom and Gomorrah & if you don't support any & everything no matter how evil or depraved your the bad guy.
If it was a long time in coming then it wasn't a habitual reaction. Your wrap is nothing short of judgmental tripe and lamentation about how you were unjustly treated. The measure you give is the measure you receive.
Well, Dimwit, at least you support the now fashionable culture in America of self-degradation.. Dope, too!
I've never known that to be true, I'm just saying that if one goes into the lair of imbeciles and gets kicked out, one may as well dust off one's shoes.
Right, love is based on judgement or evaluations not pre-judgement. And the evaluations you give have little reason to be the evaluations you receive, unless all we're doing here is taking turns flattering each other.
should not be based on judgement.....at all...should be based on just feeling it or not. flattering each other....hardly....seems more like bashing each other.
Ok I suppose your right, I am judging wicked deeds as being wrong but I don't quite get the point your trying to convey.
My point is that the judgement of deeds is not our function. Our function is to become familiar that is seek god and his kingdom with all you have. The accusation against reality is a slander against holiness. Remember as the group gathered to stone the woman for adultery how he said let he who is blameless cast the first stone, (meaning execute a just verdict,) and they all dispersed. Then he said to the woman where are your accusers now, go and sin no more. The blameless are the innocent. unless we become as little children without judgement or rancor we cannot enter the kingdom. Now there is a thing called sound judgement as in don't judge by appearances but rather use right judgement. Sound judgement is based on the answer to these questions, is it the same or is it different and what is it's purpose. Having determined purpose then you can question is a thing being used in line with purpose and on that basis determine what might be helpful or not. All things are lawful but not all things are helpful and helpful is a matter of timing or circumstance. This is a profound saying on the issue, The eye is the lamp of the body and if the eye be sound, (if you see clearly the world as god created it,) the whole body will be full of light but if the light in you be darkness, (if what you perceive is not as god created it,) then how great the darkness.