Why is it that most prostitutes seem to think guys only prefer busty girls. Why don't small breasted prostitutes advertise they are not busty but have nice looking breasts.
I suspect that prostitutes know their market better than we do. If the majority of customers like "big breasts and big ass", a small busted prostitute would advertise her big ass, not her "small and nice looking" breasts.
Whatever brings the customer in. A cups with a pair of socks have been known to work. Rather than ask why prostitutes advertise big breasts, we should ask, why do men seek large busted prostitutes. (We could also ask why customers seek cars that are can attain unsafe speeds.)
If I got to choose between a busty young woman & one with small breasts ( say B cup or smaller) I would still go for the small ones.
What's wrong with accepting that women are born with all sizes of tits and don't exactly choose the size they're given (plastic surgery aside)?
It's all society as a whole and what we do and don't consider "normal" or "acceptable". Everyone has their preferences but when it comes down to it large breasts are viewed as acceptable. It's all media and things of that sort that fuck up people's mindset.
Exactly. Besides there's a lot more to what makes a woman sexy than the size and shape of their tits.
Some young & petite teen girls have very large breasts that look far too big for their bodies. Others have larger bodies with small breasts. Maybe I just like looking at very young looking woman / teens with small / tiny breasts as I never got to see many girls breasts when I were in my teens. Just some of those who's clothing bared their breasts without them knowing I could see them