How's everyone been? I've been good... forgot my password and finally remembered it but before than was just busy with the holidays, Cason's third bday and bday party... and now two weeks ago I found out that we are expecting our second child. =) Only six weeks or so along right now so won't be due til Sept/Oct... but have already started looking to either rent or hopefully buy a 3 BR... no big rush for that though. Anyways, how has everyone here been? What's new??
Doing great! although I recently tripped and fell down a trail and landed on a rock with my I am hurtin for certain but still glad to be alive..Congrats on your pregnancy!
Thanks to all who posted so far.... and glad you're okay Lorna... gah, I know falls can hurt. After about 3.5 years I can FINALLY sit in hard chairs after taking a fall down the steps that many years ago. Yikes.
Thanks T, I hope I dont have to wait that long..getting comfortable has not even been an option for the last week, so I am hoping not..
Where on your back did you hurt? I think it just took so long for me cause the tailbone is very hard to heal.. I think the back is quicker but maybe more painful. Thanks!
It is on my right side lower back..I got xrays and the doctor said that nothing was chipped but the pain is incredible..electric pain shooting in all directions from the injury..I am glad it wasnt my tailbone, I am sure that would be worse..
Yikes....well, take it easy and hopefully it'll be quick to heal! I'm signing off here now because my 3 yr old is coming home in 15 mins... it sucks because he stopped taking his naps altogether right around his 3rd bday and now my husband works 12 hour shifts and sleeps all day so I have no break ever most days-but anyways, my mom was getting him for 2 hrs today and I was like "yay... I can NAP today! YES!"--- laid down, set phone alarm and of course...couldn't nap. Bleh.
Welcome back, AT! Was wondering what happened to you. Congrats on the pregnancy! Was it planned or was it a pleasant surprise?
Ty! Thanks.... not planned or exactly un-planned. I'll just say I wasn't going out of my way TO get pregnant but I also wasn't doing anything to prevent it plan was in another 4 months if not preg get tubes tied or something...because didn't wanna be having any kids over age 35. So, was just leaving it to chance. I'll have just turned 34 when this one is born so just in time though.
What's up....? Shit I need to wrap up my foot in gauge or there is a big blister on bottom of my foot, and take some of these dogs outs. SHIT! Really should not jog on it, but I can be stubborn. LOL
Yes, kinda requires an email that you know what it is and know the password to. lol. I tried the only email I use and it said the system doesn't have that email on record-so I must have signed up with an old Hotmail accnt or something that I used to use...annnd...don't know the pw to. But luckily today I was like....AHA! I was trying my pw for everything email... my hf pw is the same-only with an additional two letters. duh. Haha....have you ever done that? Thank you very much