What's up barry?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by RIPTIDE59, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    What is barry risking American lives for? In syria , our enemies are fighting our enemies. An ideal situation to let evil eliminate evil. Let the wasteland implode. this has nothing to do with US. Their is no coalition of the "unwilling". Could barry possibly have a hidden adgenda? Wag the dog? Can a regime surrounded by graft and scandal send American young men to die and get the nation's attention diverted to another bullshit war?:afro:
  2. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I really think there is actually very little political will in the US to get into this war,among the politicians or the people.But after Obama drew the red line on chemical weapons a few months ago,I think he's has backed himself into a corner where a few surgical strikes are the only option for the US administration to save face.I certainly don't see boots on the ground or a protracted engagement against the Assad regime.Unfortunately I feel this civil war in Syria will linger on for some time.It is an intractable conflict because no side seems to be able to gain the upper hand - meanwhile the general populace suffer.It is however largely due to new social and mass medias that the "Arab Spring" has come be such a hot topic.50 or so years ago such a war would have garnered much less attention on the world stage.Now it seems we are expected to harbour anxiety and fear over foreign domestic issues that really have very little to do with us.The world is actually on a certain level a pretty peaceful place right now.It's just that internecine conflicts are blown out of all proportion,giving the impression that the world is spiralling out of control.I think a sense of proportion is needed.
  3. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    barry has backed himself into a corner on so many issues ; why should wag the dog be any different? Please be advised that neither arab spring , winter , summer or fall has been Congressionally sanctioned. Grounds for impeachment.
  4. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    All of this goes so beyond Obama that even focusing on him is a huge waste of energy- not to mention a diversion.
  5. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    I agree with AT. This war was perpetrated (I believe) by Saudi Arabia and, France. America's just happy to jump on the band wagon because "Liberating" the middle east, creates Al Qaeda, and this keeps the illegitimate war on terror going. The Savages of Libya and Syria are both Al Qaeda groups, or affiliated with Al Qaeda. The government needs that scary face to show us on TV, so we can mindlessly shout "USA" like sheeps to slaughter.
  6. BottleFED

    BottleFED Member

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    He certainly could have drawn that Chem attack line in the sand, knowing not only that it WOULD happen but also when! Too many things have happened in his TIO(time in office), not to cause many to push the "WTF" button and ask yourself, Wow, that Hurricane was perfect timing for an election distraction, Gun Control? Sandy Hook! Nothing more that coincidence's right?
  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Your a republican aren't you? You have to be with that type of comment. I will say you have the right idea but your assumption that the other side of a two party system will be any better are wrong. The same people own them. Your precious Regan and both Bush's were certainly puppets of the elite. Those people just switch the "party" in power from time to time to make it appear elections are real. The reason why all of the sudden you see what others have seen since the days of Kennedy is because all of the sudden it's a black guy. Your party finds every reason other then that but come on it's obvious. Don't get me confused for a democrat, I'm just not racist.

    When Bush was president the "patriotic" thing to do was to shut up (while the patriot act was passed) and not question anything because the scary terrorists would misuse our rights and get us.

    Now all republicans want to do is talk about Obama conspiracy theories. What changed?

    Yes, there are other reasons to be in the middle east. Why do all the major religions think it is so special? They had no idea what oil was and that is the only thing of use to us with our current technology. But think about what is in the region of the world. The pyramids for example, maybe there are technologies there that most do not know about. The government would though.
  8. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    ^Actually Unfocused Naked Skin, I hate Obama, and I'm not a republican; I just care about Civil Liberties, even when it's a black guy taking them from me!
  9. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Naked skin? Never heard that one before. I am worried about that too. I just refuse to be caught up in the racism of the situation. They want you to do that, that is why Obama was picked. They knew his race would be an issue.
  10. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    Oh oh- I misread your name! lol! I'm not a racist person, I'm not defending riptide if he was being racist. I'm just saying, I hated Bush too, but Obama's actually so much worse when it comes to Civil Liberties.
  11. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    He is the progression. Bush established people will accept this if they are afraid. Now they push it to the next level.

    While you are worried about your guns they got drones and the NSA for example. Your pistol is meaningless.
  12. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    It's not in the pistol, it's in the mind of the person holding it; Governments run from the Consent of the Governed. People don't just have pistols and semis, but it is us that makes up the labor force, and army and therefore, we must take certain consent away slowly. I do believe that's working too if you take Oathkeepers, III%ers, OWS, teaparty etc. and just generally look around you. The government is self destructing,and people realize it. The more legitimacy they lose, the more people will drop their trust in government then, drop their consent. When Government loses consent that's when we can start to grow and rebuild.With local governments, and ultimately, no government down the line.

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