What's the lot scene these days?

Discussion in 'Events and Festivals' started by BobbinBecca, May 16, 2004.

  1. BobbinBecca

    BobbinBecca Member

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    I haven't been on tour or to a show in almost seven years but I'd like to hit the local shows to hawk hippie stuff on the lots-- veggie burritos and Hanson's sodas, stuff like that, in case you were wondering ;)
    Is this still a big thing for folks and still not a big deal for the LEOs?
    Any of you guys sell stuff on the lots?
  2. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    hell yes, keep them veggie burritos coming. last year i saw a lot of burritos, necklaces, clothes, glass pipes, moonshine :)

    i am bringin stuff to trade instead of sell this year, i am lookin for a nice glass peice and maybe a phatty crystal or two
  3. plainjanepatchwork

    plainjanepatchwork Member

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    I sell patchwork clothing on the lot. I have noticed the past 4 years some venues are getting stricter about vending so just keep on eye out. I have never had a problem with the cops but security will tell you to put it away.

    Good Luck!! You are going to wonder why you stopped going to shows when you get out there it is too much fun!
  4. BobbinBecca

    BobbinBecca Member

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    Thanks for your replies!!

    I do wonder why I haven't been for years, marriage and kids hardly seems like a good enough excuse in retrospect. My hubby has never been into music, but I dig Phish, The Dead, P Funk... and hell I'd even go to the American Idol lot just to resell sodas if they'd let me.

    Is the lot scene selling just for hip shows or for every kind of concert? I wish I could go just to experience the vibes and people and not to make money too, but I really need the money right now and can make a mean sandwich menu. I think I'm just scared to go back!!:confused:

  5. WayfaringStranger

    WayfaringStranger Corporate Slave #34

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    i'd say stick to the hip shows, because they are used to the vending, other people might think your tryin to trick em. i thik im goi to DeerCreek phish a few days early cus dave mathews is playing 2 nights(tremendous oppourtunity) then keller and DSO, then 2 nights of phish. also in august keller bela fleck and yondermountain string band are touring, so that might be good oppourtunity there too.
  6. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    man all this talk about the lot is getting me all antsy, i love walking around the lot and talking to all the pholks and chekin out their stuff, we met an awesome glassblower last summer at Sunshine Daydream................................
  7. 7leafclover

    7leafclover Member

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    Hey, have they set any dates for that keller, bela fleck, ymsb tour yet? thanks

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