What's Happening???

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Aerianne, Jun 18, 2018.

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  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i need to get rid of the useless expense of mine. phones, that i don't ever use as phones, and haven't used at all for a couple of months.
    Running Horse likes this.
  2. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Someone broke into a coworker's car last night and went through her stuff. They didn't take anything; she had nothing valuable inside. She did say that the cover for the car's fuse box was removed. Why would a thief do that? What would they expect to find?
  3. A big, red ruby.
    rollingalong likes this.
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    He had to charge his iPhone?
    Eric!, themnax and tumbling.dice like this.
  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Crack and heroin dealers leave dope in car, that is a hiding spot. Id assume they been breaking into dealers cars before. Not saying your friend is a dealer. They just target car and ransacked .
    tumbling.dice likes this.
  6. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Thanks, I'll tell her. She's a 61 year old widow so I doubt she's dealing but I could be wrong. :tongueclosed:
    Running Horse and Orison like this.
  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Those are the ones you gotta watch out for.... Dangerous, they are.
    Orison likes this.
  8. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    I put in a request for 8 days off of work

    I was granted all 8 days off of work.

    I guess work don't need me

    No job when I return?

    Well who knows?

    Work does.....

    *shrugs *

    Orison likes this.
  9. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Would they do that to ya Pete??
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    to remove the listening and tracking device they'd installed previously, now that they had realized they had installed it in the wrong person's car.
    disturbing everything else was to obscure this was the reason.

    (this is probably less likely then other reasons given, just the way my mind works sometimes)
  11. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Drunk as a skunk while listening to The Muffs and toasting the passing of another rebel girl hero. Kim Shattuck we will miss you and love you forever.

  12. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    Not anymore I think.
    I quit a portion of my job that the employer hated/respected me for back February 1st 19'.

    I started back in 1991 with nine lives
    I pretty sure I have a few left.
  13. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

  14. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    Mornin' folks. What ya'll got done this mornin'? I got up, highstepped my way to the community center for some warm wake me up in a mug, fed and watered the chickens, chicks, pigs, cats, and dogs. Now I'm drinkin' some more wake up medicine fore harvest
    Aerianne likes this.
  15. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  16. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    I wonder how Ged is doing these days.
  17. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Happy Weekend, Y'all!
  18. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Happy weekend Aerianne : )
    Aerianne likes this.
  19. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We did the Walmart haul this morning.

    It's been a while since we went inside and got all that stuff.

    I'm going to eat a sandwich and start the prednisone my doc gave me last week. I am so ready to be over this pain.

    We're on baby watch. He's due on the 16th.

    My daughter's doc appointment on Tuesday was cancelled because the doc was in a delivery. It's not rescheduled until next Friday.

    That doc is in practice by himself and said he has 40 babies to deliver in October!

    We do back to the specialist on Tuesday and the doc will take measurements from an ultrasound. There's no telling what Grayson weighs by now.

    My poor daughter is ready! She's so short and she was overweight when she go pregnant.

    Yeah, I've got to start this prednisone; he will be here anytime now.

    Other news...I've made a couple hundred on my reselling :D

    I had to buy a new vape yesterday. My first box. I like it. The old stick vape starting melting the charger cords when I plugged it in...

    Sammich time.
  20. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Lots of people on HF were talking about rain.

    Here's our situation.

    We're at 90-something days above 90F.

    We haven't had rain at the house in 60-something days.

    tumbling.dice likes this.
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