What do you think will take us out first? Radiation from Fukushima? Chemical weapons from Syria? Nuclear Attack from some other country? Other options?
economic collapse due to political corruption or economic collapse for some other reason id say would be most likely in this post cold war era
if we're lucky we might be able to actually see it a few seconds before it kills us of course some will be working or sleeping and will never know
Lucky? Oh wait...you were being facetious, right? Anyway, I don't want to see a thing! Whatever it is, I hope it's so fast I don't even have time to think OHSHIT! and to answer the question/poll I think it'll be other caused by greed...
War/nukes etc will end it all and the only virgins waiting are computer nerds with pocket protectors. They shoot us, We shoot back and miss, Miss country shoots and misses etc and next thing you know, Its book of eli/the road shit. Nothing left. Id say that race/religion/the like will do us in first. They will find a solid way to pin us against each other and kill it from the inside so they get their rightful land. Let the animals take each other out and sit back and watch. But who knows, Are we dead now from nuke blast? Who's to say our daily shit stops? Maybe the POTUS is hell/heaven enough for now until they make room.
lol, how is radiation from Fukushima even an option.. All those options would just be consequences of human idiocy I'm inclined to think that our endless greed will be our undoing. We always want more, never satisfied with what we have, and some of us will stop at nothing to get more, regardless of how much we already have
You do know that none of those options would "take us out" by any stretch of the imagination. This planet and life has survived a hell of a lot worse than any of those scenarios. The most likely thing to actually "take us out" as a viable species is a viral epidemic, followed by some type of astronomic event, such as an asteroid strike. Another natural event of concern because it's a matter of when, not if, are Coronal Mass Ejections. They could send us back 200 years technologically, that would suck, big time! But as far as any human caused event, unlikely unless someone were to unleash smallpox into the wild again, that would fuck-up a lot of the population in a few weeks. But all us old farts who got vaccinated prior to 1975 would have a fighting chance, you kids are fucked. But the things listed in the poll, naw, too small of an area of effect to be significant. Each thing you listed has already happened before in the past with little lasting effects or impact on a planetary scale.
Yeah, I have to agree. If there is anything life on this planet has proven it is that it is resilient. Humans are no exception. Throughout our history on this planet we have shown that we are able to adapt and survive.