What's going on in your head when you're asleep?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Wizardofodd, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I'm sure many of us have thought about this a lot. Some people dream, some don't. Some people try to figure out what dreams might mean, etc.

    Are you just down for the count or do you feel like your brain is active and even waking you up sometimes with dreams or trying to hash out things in your life or whatever else?

    I've been thinking a lot about this today and I'll try to be short here.

    I dream often and vividly about all kinds of things that sometimes never makes sense to me. I bet I wake up 8 times a night just for a few seconds. I don't always even remember the dreams. But almost every night I wake up at some point with some song stuck in my head. But here's the kicker for me.....that makes me wonder.....plenty of nights, just as I'm slipping into a deep sleep or just as I'm coming out of a deep sleep, I have the most wonderful music composition ideas. I hear it all and every part makes sense. I can make it do whatever I want as if I'm conducting my own symphony. That's happened many times but I can never remember it for more than a couple of minutes (at most) after I wake up. Then I suck at music again....kind of. But last night I started working on this old jazz standard and there was a section I knew I wasn't playing correctly and it was bugging me but I went to bed. I woke up at about 4 am in the in-between place and the song was in my head. I had enough of a sense of mind to realize that I had just figured it out. It was so simple then. What I had a bit of a hard time with while awake, I easily figured out while I was asleep.....and this time I remembered it.

    So this has had me wondering about this subject all day. What's going on in your head while you're asleep? Are you accessing a deeper self or maybe just concentrating easier because of less mental clutter? What do you think?
    Lady Shadow and EloiseAtThePlaza like this.
  2. All I know is
    Data tried to kill me just 15 minutes ago
  3. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    exploring and living a parallel universe that for the most part feels more welcoming and like home.
    one in which not everyone is purrfect, but the overwhelming majority do not hate logic nor consideration.
  5. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    The music thing happens to me too. I don't dream I write it I hear it. It's always new and unique. I have been to entire concerts I had never heard before. I am a fan of jam style music so I always assumed my brain was taking what I hear when I am wake and doing the same improvisation with it.

    I do dream I write entire books or things like that though. I can see the words on the page and they are stories that make sense in that moment. I always feel like I am on the verge of discovering something then I wake up and can not remember.

    I think dreams are removing the filters from your mind and allowing you to connect with yourself and the other side. They are not just a purely scientific issue. You are easiest to contact when you are asleep. Your spirit guide knows this.
    Wizardofodd likes this.
  6. Dustinthewind

    Dustinthewind woopdee fucking doo

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    In your head....
    EloiseAtThePlaza likes this.
  7. Visexual

    Visexual Member

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    I, pretty much, know that I'm dreaming. In fact, there was a time that I could manufacture a dream before falling asleep. For me, it's entertainment. Now I do have frustrating dreams at times but, even those, are entertaining in a way.
  8. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I have no fucking idea, but I wish it would stop.
  9. Oh that's the best place.
    At that moment, what you do or say feels very real.
    Wizardofodd likes this.
  10. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Roberts Narabi
    EloiseAtThePlaza likes this.
  11. That shit is real, whatever it is
    McFuddy likes this.
  12. I am not aware of my dreams but I do know that my subconscious is clearly working away because I often waken to a solution to something i have been mulling over.
    EloiseAtThePlaza likes this.
  13. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    Your pineal gland is secreting DMT
  14. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  15. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    my dreams are usually complete gibberish. occasionally i'll have a really long narrative, but it's usually just a bunch of unrelated scenes jumbled together.

    i almost never have music in my dreams. i actually thought is was impossible for most of my life, then it finally happened once not too long ago.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I was reading a book earlier and fell asleep very soon after closing the cover and obviously my mind was on the book and so I fell into a quick sleep and dream about what I was thinking about which rarely happens so that was cool and I was standing hand in hand with my creator and he seemed genuinely concerned about my feelings and well being. It gave me feelings of hope.
    Wizardofodd likes this.
  17. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Someone was telling me yesterday about some study that was supposedly done where rats were trapped in a maze or cage and they were measuring their brainwaves somehow. They couldn't initially figure out how to get out. But they went to sleep and the same type of brainwaves increased rapidly and they were able to figure out how to get out when they woke up. I'm sure there's more to it but that was the gist of what I was told. No idea if that's true or not.
  18. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I dont remember my dreams very often
    Every rare once in a while when I do remember them they're about every day events and people I see throughout a normal day
    But more than likely if I remember my dream, it will be one of two recurring dreams i've had throughout my life. In one, i'm always exploring a big, old house filled with old things. The house is always different but basically the same. I've always been really attracted to old houses/buildings so makes sense

    And the other recurring dream is me being transported to some weird dimension. It usually starts with the world ending and i'm just walking, then all of a sudden i'm in a completely different space, unlike any found on earth. Those dreams always weird me out

    But I remember my dreams maybe 6-8 times a year so these aren't regular occurrences
    Irminsul likes this.
  19. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    peaceful scenes
    Wizardofodd and Irminsul like this.
  20. I dream almost every night. Sometimes I'll wake up still half asleep in the middle of the night and hear voices talking to me, like they're guiding me, telling me what to do. The last dream I remember I was writing a story about a tiger that was a vampire. It was a really good story, but I was too lazy to wake up and write it down, and now I can't remember how it went. By far and away the craziest dream I ever had was one of this future for humanity in which we could literally have anything we wanted, and all we did all day was have fun. I can't describe what it was like. I've been visited twice in dreams by these overlords who actually control humanity using high technology, if that's the proper way to even refer to it. I also had a dream I was swimming across a channel full of dead squirrels. You could really feel them, too, they were all stiff and everything. It was so vivid.

    Some of my favorite dreams are when I'm in houses, because I'm always in some kind of crazy house with secret passageways or beautiful architecture. Almost invariably there is something wrong with the house, though. Like it's falling apart or it's haunted. Which reminds me of a dream last night, where this door kept jiggling. I knew it was one of my ghost dreams, but instead I decided it was a cat behind the door. And I kicked open the door and a kitty came out.

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