.......if you found out that that DNA proved that you had a multi-racial heritage? As far as I know, I have German, Irish, Italian, and Polish ancestry (and possibly Jewish). If I had found out that I also had ancestors who were not Caucasian, my initial reaction would be: "Wow! Now I have ANOTHER heritage to be proud of! Think of this...... Many scientists now believe that, millions of years ago, the continents were all joined together in one huge land mass; eventually, they all drifted apart (look at a map of the world, and you can see the "jigsaw puzzle" outlines of the continents) Now, Africa was at the center of this land mass; the earliest human remains have been found in Africa. So, it would seem (at least to me) that, if Africa was where the first seeds of the human race were planted, then ALL the humans from the dawn of mankind to today have come from African origins. To me, this just boggles my mind, and produces so much in the way of great insight and contemplation...... "Live long and prosper"
"The mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning." Race Is a Social Construct, Scientists Argue
Amen, my friend! Now THIS says it ALL! Think about it....... We ALL have two ears, two eyes, two arms, two legs, and two feet. We are ALL humans, all members of ONE race and ONE race only, the HUMAN race! Even though we ALL speak different languages, and observe many different customs, we are ALL still part of the SAME family. I truly believe that the more we learn about each other, the MORE we find that we have in common. Ancestry and genelogy are both throroughly fascinating; BE PROUD of your heritage(s) and celebrate the echoes of time that flow within you! "Live long and prosper"
My wife's took that DNA test , she's Hispanic . I told her that average Mexican is 40 to 60% Native .... she took the test, she's 66 % Native and 34% European ( Spanish and Irish ) . When I took it, I am 88% Native ( Comanche and Tarascan) 12% European ( Spanish and Scottish). Proud to be a Mutt !!!!
Yours truly is German, Irish, Italian, and Polish........PROUD to be a "mixed breed gentleman", myself.......that many more heritages to be proud of!
If you really think about it, every Human is a text book of DNA history. Just like in Russia's Volga region, Catherine the Great , had German immigrants move in as settlers. And the Irish migration into the Americas, caused by the Potato Famine . We Humans always move because of Wars, Famine , displacements or just plain economic reasons . And we are living text books of Human History
When you stop and think about it, the concept that we all originated from Africa offers no explanation for our black, white or asian divide. Their are ever increasing theories that humans are not even native to this planet, so going back further it will be fun to find out which planet or galaxy forms our true origins. Mars is showing increasing signs of intelligent life millions of years ago, supported by water, an atmosphere and gravity. Is it possible that a couple of Martians took a trip to our moon for a cup of coffee, then settled on our earth to save the long journey home.
Agreed. Also, look at the vast wave of Jews from Europe to the United States, in the later 1800's and 1900's, due to the widespread (and horrific) pogroms. During the building of the transcontinental Railroad, some 20,000 Chinese men were brought into this country, to handle the hardest and,often,most dangerous jobs of all (many recent Irish immigrants also labored on the Transcontinental Railroad. Just after WW1, many more immigrants from war-torn Europe were passing through Ellis Island, seeing a better life, before the immigration quotas reduced the influx to a trickle. There was also the untold number of Cubans fleeing the country during times of revolution, culminating with Castro in the later 1950's and early 1960's. Yes, without a doubt, economics, political and civil unrest have always played a major part in immigration to our great country....... "....send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me.....I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door!"
Funny, my Mother's Purepecha ancestors, broke off the Ayramara from Bolivia and founded an empire 2,000 years before the Aztecs left their home land between the Rockies and the US Pacific Westcoast . My Father's ancestors broke off from the Shoshone in the Rockies along side the Utes, much like the Yaqui, Pima, Papago , Toltecs or Aztecs did 2,000 years before .
WOW!!!!!!!!!! Talk about ANCIENT ancestors!!! The studies of ancient cultures, I've always felt, are fascinating and intriguing....as well as being VERY educational! The late Sidney Poitier once wrote that, the blood that flows through our veins is a direct link to our most ancient ancestors.......as long as we live, that eons-old chain is never broken! Incredible! "Heritage........another word for pride!"
I'm the history keeper of Klan Morris. I have the history to the beginning of the name. We have a mix of races in our klan. My branch has Anitsalagi (Cherokee), Welsh, German and Scottish. Looking back in the records and how many slaves my ancestors owned, it's very likely that there's negros in it too. It's nothing to be ashamed of and if I found out for sure, I'd be just as proud of that. It's what made you who you are. Never get down about it.
I've always been really curious about the entire 'story' and journey of everyone leading up to my arrival on the scene. I kinda wanna be surprised and blown away. The whole ancestry thing is just really, really cool. I
I cannot blame you for wanting to be surprised; family ancestry is extremely interesting and totally fascinating. I've read about a British actress (now in her 80's) whose family history her grandmother traced back to the 1200's! Wow! Talk about HERITAGE!!! It is also interesting to see if there were any famous or noteworthy folks within your family tree! Sidney Poitier once said that the blood that flows through our veins is a continuation of a bloodline that goes back through many eons....now THAT'S cool!
well.. let's see... I have about 2% Denisovian(?) genetic makeup.. [original ancestors found their way to Russia then descendants moved to North Europe (Germany/Scotland)].. the Scot ancestors came to Prince Edward Island, Canada and the German folk came to Chicago, then Colorado, then CA.. my Mom' paternal grandfather was first person to operate an x-ray lab in America.. but he was an ophthalmologist and sold machine to another guy who - sadly - passed away from radiation poisoning.. and now you've got me hankering for a bowl of haggis with sauerbraten and stuffed peppers..
VERY diverse and fascinating ethnic makeup, there! The youngest of my two older brothers (and I) took after Mom's side, appearance-wise (German/Irish), while my oldest brother took after my father's side (Italian) Mom's father, who passed away before she was born in 1917, was Irish (that's about all we know); my step-grandfather and my maternal grandmother were German. My step-grandfather was what they then called a "stationary engineer", and had worked in the boiler room of the German liner "KAISER WILHELM" (he again worked in the boiler room of the same ship, after it had been seized by the US Government and renamed "SS GEORGE WASHINGTON") He also worked at the pioneer Lee DeForest radio plant in Jersey City, and later worked on the construction of the Empire State Building. Mom fed us allon on hearty, home-cooked "comfort food", mostly German/Irish in origin; NO ONE ever left her table hungry! And I STILL weigh in at only about 154! Mom's Pennsylvania uncles (she herself lived in PA until she was 4) all were anthracite coal miners near Wilkes-Barre; her grandfather was the superintendent of the huge Glen Alden Colliery. Dad drove an ice truck for many years, and he last drove for a refuse company when I was a kid; he had then been driving for almost 40 years when he retired due to health reasons. He and his two brothers (who both owned service stations) were expert mechanics. I'm always "up" to learn more about my family history; Dad's father (who passed away in 1934, a year before my folks were married) was born in Corleone, Sicily. My grandmother was from Bari (mainland Italy) My dad was the oldest of the brothers and sisters, born in New York's "rough-and-tumble" Hell's Kitchen in 1907; Mom was born ten years later, in 1917. A lifetime ago..............