What will you miss in the future and why? Think... What will no longer be around? What will no longer work? What will you no longer be able to do? etc...
I'm sure there will be plenty I won't be able to do in the future due to physical limitations--things I don't want to think about yet. Also, in terms of what won't be around, Hip Forums The internet message board is so 2003. Social media has made it obsolete. I worry you guys are going to pull the plug one day. Although I'm still relatively new in terms of membership, I noticed through old threads that this place was hoppin' in the past. There were more members and more discussions going on.
INNOCENCE: Far too quickly childhood is passes by and they are pushed with urgency to grow up - to make considered opinions for capitalist decision making. Life passes by quickly enough but in this world of 24/7, IT, WW connection - there seems little time for children to imagine, to dream, to indulge and engage with things of yesterday, in order the achieve the goal of tomorrow - And tomorrow, is only 24 hours away, any way
I'm hanging on to my '92 Miata as I can still shift gears, lock up the brakes and make the tires smoke, wind up the windows with cranks, I don't have to worry about power steering, and the radio/stereo sucks so I don't listen to it.. But I will also miss books, cash, African elephants, CDs, and radio that actually plays decent music.
The past. Seriously I don't mind too much I just don't want an artificially created Sci-Fi world without local areas of difference and local culture. I will just have to tune out the sterility and coldness of what I see encroaching on human values and the blessings and wisdom of the collective inheritance of the Really Real. In the phuture what the individual allows into their experiential sensorium will create who they are and their quality of life. Personally I'm not worried, but I see mass unneeded unhappiness not necessarily because of material want, but because of the phantasmagorical adoption of a misguided vision driven not categorically by evil and greed but moreso by a kind of fatal flaw in the blind watchmaker and the ghost in the machine.
It's funny... living in California for my whole life I've really worked at conserving water. It's getting to be second nature now, and it actually feels better to me just to know that I'm doing something good for our planet. But I feel where you're coming from.
I'll miss threads like 'why do straight guys have sex with straight guys'. Cause like, damn, someone has to figure that shit out.
I'll miss my aunts and uncles. I've already lost my parents and grandparents and one cousin that I was very close to.
Well, the state is sometimes in a drought, as you may know. When drought is declared we're all supposed to limit our water use. People let their lawn die and stuff to try and save water. My parents put in a completely drought resistant array of plant life in their yard. So it's no small thing. But you asked how is that helping. I guess my only answer is every drop counts, and I hope other people are learning to save water. It's one of our most precious resources!