Getting your instructions from a conversation you had with a burning bush seems like a trip. Couldn't the communications link be something a little more pedestrian? Like, say, a talking moth flying into his ear and giving him the instructions for the exodus.
You sound salty that the people way back were on better gear than you can currently buy... Or else... You'd be writing a good novel or something right now.
Because most of what is contained within religious text is allegorical and not meant to be taken literally, which it is by religionists and atheists alike.
Depends which religion and religious writers you talk about. Ancient indian philosophers might very well indulged in some good pot. Weed, hash and opium was all available in the middle east before, during and after the time of Jesus and if you were in a luxury position you could partake in it occasionally and it was not really frowned upon. Just like in our society a century ago or so how the fancy men used to go to the smoking room after dinner and indulge in a fine cigar so has opium been used at times as well. People have speculated about magic mushrooms but I have no idea how credible and likely that was. And hey, it could very well be that the men who wrote the bible and koran were sober as hell. I'm just speculating as well of course. Now, those ancient people who came up with hinduism were surely into psychedelic drugs if you ask me! And it seems to me that the people who compiled the kamasutra must have known what the good life is about and probably liked the smokey smoke as well :sifone:
The exodus is not the best example. Moses' people didn't need a big trigger to wanna leave there (just a good leader). And if you are without food and enough water for long enough in the desert you start to do and see weird things
You aged really well, Irmi. Impressive Writing a book while drunk is impressive on itself. Even Hemingway wrote sober
No Offence Irm.....But In The Last Few Days Your Posts Are Seriously Off The Norm....??? Cheers Glen.
Well ya know. Being God and all. Plus I've harvested my share of bodies before to use along the way. Like this one time I was heavily sunburned in the desert and a new baby in some dank ass manger was being born. i thought the heck with skin cancer, I need an energy replacement. Being God is exactly like a video game, we have energy bars and they have to be kept up or we'll die. So you know, anyway, I sent myself into this baby and we had a good childhood. Then one day I dunno, the bastards were going to bang me to a cross! I thought I'd play it out, my health status was pretty high. I died and then they took me to a tomb. Well nuts to this I say. I bugged out, immortalized some strange girl for now.
The Rishis who wrote the Vedas were supposedly taking a drug called Soma - nobody now really knows what it was, but probably it was some kind of drink rather than a smoked thing. Mushrooms of the Amanita or Psilocybe kind have been suggested, or it could have been a preparation of cannabis of some kind. There are pictures of the god Shiva drinking Bhang, a drink made from infusing cannabis in milk. I'm not sure at what date smoking began in India.
So I looked it up on wiki - and cannabis has been smoked there since 2000 bc.
Hi, I'm God and I'm going to make half of my creatures with sharp teeth so they can eat the other half. Then I'll blame it all on a literally stupid bitch that I created with no knowledge. I made sure and placed her in an entrapment garden with a nice juicy temptation trap. Stupid humans are going to eat this shit up and praise me as merciful, just, and forgiving. LMF Divine AO!