There are 12 things that are really important to me in a woman's body: (in order) 1. Nice smile 2. Petite body 3. Nice voice (difficult to describe what I like) 4. Thin hands 5. Clear skin 6. Well dressed (clothes really matter to me!) 7. Nice eyes (again, difficult to describe what I like) 8. Good hair 9. Long eyelashes 10. Pale skin 11. Dark eyes 12. Dark hair
I really like olive or a pale-olive coloured skin tone, black hair is my favourite *drools*, and... green-brown eyes. Body type though... taller than me, at least by a few inches (basically 5'3" and above.. yeah, i'm short as hell), kinda lanky and ... happy trail. O god, I'd die if my guy got rid of his happy trail O.<
tall (5'11-6'5), slender or lightly muscled brown hair eyes in general are good, esp if he knows how to use them.. I like sensual facial features, big beautiful eyes, full lips...I dig it.
The most important quality I look for in a woman is their ability to put up with me. Anyone who likes to talk and share ideas - one can only have sex about half the time - got to have something to do with the rest of the day (grin). Looks, height, weight, cup size is all bull - it is getting along with each other that matters. The one classic looking, playboy fold out type, woman I ever knew was dumb as a post and did not even kiss well. I guess she felt that all she had to do was be there and everybody should be happy.
Physical appearance isn't important, but my preferences are as follows... Breasts that are not too large(I'm one of those guys who appreciate small breasts), not too skinny, and shorter than my height(I'm roughly 5'8, if that), fair skinned, maybe not excessively hairy... But all that doesn't matter much. Personality is the most important.
LOL, you're too funny. Don't act so surprised, I'm sure alot ofthe other guys who saw your pics in the underwear thread would say the same thing. I'm glad I made you smile though.
aw, having a guy hug you from behind and rest his head on top of yours is such a great feeling. Yey. and the lads that are too bony aren't as hugable, so yey for liking to give hugs and being the sort of person that can give good ones.
Normally, I'm attracted to a shorter, average build, but once in a while I'll spot a really tall girl, like my size (6'4"), and that sends me for a loop! Other than that, long hair is cool, and a little muscle makes things more interesting. But I'm a social retard, so it doesn't really matter.
Hmm Id say medium to tall - 5'5 to 5'9 or so. Really slim - like defined abdominals and sharp high cheekbones. Longish legs and slim bone structure.Not too big or broad , not too muscley ( why is that look so popular in some places???) Tits- medium or big.And I love those ones u tend to see on some taller girls - sort of upturned and defined /perky but big too. I look as much at the face .Long thick hair. BIg eyes , almond shaped ones are nice.And moderately big lips - definitely not that horrible collagen look. I remember the scientific thread on some people being "hypersexual" ie genetically very highly sex drived.The women all had slim bodies , medium tits with prominent nipples. And the groin/ pussy area was described as "prominent". I like the sound of that!
I have a thing for guys' backs. A nice, smooth back and chest... turns me on just thinking about it. But there's nothing like running my hands down a woman's smooth stomach and feeling her hipbones. But I still have a thing with smooth, soft backs with girls too.