Well, it's hard to describe my fav. body type. I dont like guys with bulging muscles, it's sick. Height doesn't really matter too much to me, as long as they aren't shorter than me, or skyscraper tall. I like guys with muscles and strength, someone who can protect me. I prefer dark hair, and either green or blue eyes. All of this really doens't matter though, just as long as their personality is beautiful!
Well, the last guy I fell for was like 6'1", skinny, kinda pale, Dark brown dreads, and brownish/hazel eyes. He was like the hottest Jew I've ever seen. Not that that surprises me... Jews can be pretty sexy.
no, not if they are perfect haha, if we have a lot in common, i love it cuz then we get a long good. and i fall for them faster then if we didnt have alot in common haha peace~
Not too tall...because I'm not tall. I don't like a musclebound man who's obesssed with how big he can get, but not a slob either...I have a weakness for strong arms. Dark hair and eyes. Casual but not sloppy. (business suits don't get me going..I prefer jeans)I like a man who cares about keeping his body in shape, but not obessed, much like me. I keep myself fit, but I also enjoy ice cream once a week or so. (and how ...)
So I'm not the only person that likes noses. XD Taller.. skinnier.. Broad shoulders, narrow hips/waist. Cute butt. Oh mang. Facially, big eyes.. a striking nose. I dunno, but a crooked or ridged nose is really hot. A purty mouth. Chin pubes are cute as fuck. In broads.. Shorter. Not too skinny. But not a hoss. Cute boobies, big or small. And a cute, round butt. Once again, big or small.
Aww, thank you Dirty Dave! I've never made anyone's list before, I'm going to print this out and frame it. That made my day!
Hee, i'm another one that's into noses I like guys with kind faces, especially their eyes. guys with mean eyes freak me out a bit. And body wise, um, broadish shoulders/chest that are good to cuddle into. taller than me. I'm about 1m 69cm...i think that's maybe 5"6? that's about it. but yeah often i fall for the person and then he becomes the hottest guy in the room, not the other way around.
Mmm...I like a man that's taller than me (I'm 5'6"), broad shoulders, nice smile, strong looking back...mmm....I don't care about weight, hair color, skin color, or anything like that. I know the kind of man that I like when I see him.
BugMan likes bodies with about 500 extra lbs so he can feel the earth shake.....they can't run away either.
500 lbs is ok with me as long as the chick is about 10 foot tall. Daisy likes anybody that will talk to her.