What street gangs do you know for sure are in your area?

Discussion in 'People' started by Xboxoneandsports32490, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. Xboxoneandsports32490

    Xboxoneandsports32490 Members

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    Just wondering, my friend was talking to me about “criminal enterprises”? Or “street gangs” in the United States? Such as the Mafia, Hells Angels, Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings, and so on and so fourth? My question is: Have you met or do you know any real life “gangsters” in your town or area? Talking someone who is actually a member of a legitimate criminal street gang? And what was your impression of them when meeting them?
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    We live outside of a town with one flashing stop light and a population of about 500; 90% White, 89% American born, 96% Christian, 74% rabid MAGA Republican, with the highest church attendance of any county in this 'buckle of the Bible Belt' (there are only Christian churches here; no mosques, synagogues, temples or gurdwaras for at least 100 miles). It's absolutely the Whitest place I've ever seen. 'Round here, it's the Ku Klux Klan and the Three Percenters, a fascist "militia". Probably other covert ones, and a plethora of fellow travellers and dittoheads.
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  3. Toecutter

    Toecutter Senior Member

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    I have met/talked to all the above, most of the Mafia members are people that you would never recognize as being anyone other than a well mannered nice person.

    The Hells Angels members have all been decent even funny. The patch and the clubs reputation is more than enough for most average people to avoid the members to the extreme.

    The Crips, Bloods and Latin Kings are born out of a fear of others. They live in areas that will victimize them quickly if they are not gang members. Most are very street smart and will keep a very close eye on a new face in the area.

    All the above will not tolerate any disrespect.
  4. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Your local "street gang" may be as close as your local police substation. 1,100 retired and 373 currently serving law enforcement officers; detectives, sergeants, lieutenants, and captains, as well as individuals currently holding senior leadership positions within their respective agencies, including at least ten chiefs of police and eleven sheriffs, are members of the fascist Oath Keepers "militia".

    Deeper examination of Oath Keepers' member data finds hundreds of law enforcement officers
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  5. John1971

    John1971 Senior Member

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    The Outlaws. I have not met any of them, personally, but know a few people who have. They're more or less similar to the Hells Angels when it comes to their attitude toward outsiders (ie, fine as long as you don't disrespect them). But they're apparently worse when it comes to crime, according to a few cops I know.
  6. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    There are no gangs where I live now.

    I have lived in several places where there was a large percentage of white supremacists in the past. For a group of supposed "supreme individuals" they sure were fucking stupid.
    Flagme15 likes this.
  7. Flagme15

    Flagme15 Members

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    I lived in LA for over 65 years. LA the home of MS 13, the Bloods, and the Crips.
    As far as I know, there aren't any gangs where I live now.
    tjr1964 likes this.
  8. NookaTheNook

    NookaTheNook Members

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    The Mali boys ! Well we had a problem when we saw a young guy being arrested over and over for shoplifting , he was clearly on the autism spectrum, but other people where waiting for him outside, they were sending him to do their dirty work, so we told the police and they found the guy a hostile, but just a couple of weeks later he was out again, they got hold of him again with the fagin shit. I cant remember how we got talking to them but two guys asked us what was going on and we told them. These guys just went over and said if they see them again in the area they will chop them up, and forced them to run to the underground station fast, they have not been seen agin, but the Mali boys have a bad rep, they go by sharia law as they are Somali, friendly to us ever since this, but I wouldn’t want to see them when they are unfriendly.
    We would have never dealt with it like this, I don’t believe in violence but how many times do you contact the police and social service ?
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  9. wrat1

    wrat1 Members

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    The MAGA gang is thick where we reside
  10. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    With no moral compass and the dissolution of families in the United States it is no wonder gangs have arisen to replace the lack of social order.

    Each gang seems intent on enforcing their turf, and that's when the problems begin.

    It's a return to barbarism with the loss of civilization.
    tjr1964 and Captain Scarlet like this.
  11. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    When America catches flu we in UK catch a cold as they say ,

    We have a bit of a gang problem and is usually associated in dealing with "Recreational " drugs. Marijuana in the UK unlike America is illegal and of course you have the harder drugs as well.

    The less "professional" tend to use knives ,whilst guns being used by the larger gangs are becoming an ever increasing problem for the UK .
    A recent gang gun fight happened in Liverpool recently resulting in the sad and tragic death of a little 9 year old girl caught within the cross fire in her own home .
  12. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Funny... I didn't know marijuana was legal in the United States.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
    ~Zen~ and wrat1 like this.
  13. Toecutter

    Toecutter Senior Member

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    Every area of the world has gangs, this is not not just a problem in the U.S. our neighbors to the north, and especially the south have a very large problem with gangs.

    As for the U.S. most of the real (dangerous) gangs are in the inner city’s
    The gangs can and are at times a necessity, some members are in the gangs for protection, from rival gangs.

    Additionally the gangs can and do provide protection to various areas of these inner cities.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  14. Flagme15

    Flagme15 Members

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    Gangs have been around for a long time, and imo it has nothing to do the dissolution of families. Think the Mafia. The mafia has been around "forever", and has been a familial gang.
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  15. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    The original mafias were family orientated and I am wondering knowing Zen has spent many years in Europe and that is where I think he is coming from.

    "Maranzano reorganized the Italian American gangs in New York City into the Maranzano, Profaci, Mangano, Luciano, and Gagliano families ."

    I am sure the original mafia originated from Italy ,hence the above Italian connection
  16. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I was going to mention MAGA in my previous post, but they are more like a cult, than a gang... There are metric shit-tons of MAGA around here.
  17. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    In Northern California's rural areas there is a hotbed of gangs, survivalists, nut jobs, terrorists, and worse. It spreads across the border into and through Oregon also.

    They are NOT simply a problem in the cities.
    tjr1964 likes this.
  18. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Gangs of today in America have little to do with the mafia, although Omertà is enforced I hear.
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  19. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    When living in Amsterdam the main gang sourge in the area were the Hell's Angels.

    They ran a street market by the City Hall quite respectfully, but their 'camp' across the canal from my neighborhood was the scene of many wild goings on with screams, chain saws running at all times of the day and night, and rumors of a car thieving setup were being shared. All of a sudden the Netherlands Army arrived one night and routed everyone out, and proceeded to bulldoze the area into oblivion.

    It was quite exciting for us staid Amsterdammers. ;)
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  20. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    The stuff in that street market was probably all stolen goods now that I think about it.
    Tyrsonswood and Captain Scarlet like this.

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